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3 years later.

Angel had changed.

She gave away her hatred and she gave away her violent side for her children, her family. She realised that she could also live freely like a human as long as she had the person she loved by her side, the one who would always be her support.

She and Alois had waited and decided to get married once the kids were old enough, and three years old was old enough, thus there they were getting ready for the ceremony.

Angel in her mother's bedroom and Alois in their bedroom. Werewolves were supposed to get dressed in golden clothes for their wedding but Angel wanted a human style wedding which was strange for werewolves but no one complained.

They thought of it as their alpha and alpha female dressing up to the moon's cloth for the wedding.

For this occasion they even got a priest for the alter they prepared, just for decoration. Her parents were happy, satisfied at their pup's changed life. Her mother filled with love and compassion cradled her to health and now she bids Angel goodbye as she is handing her over to Alois. She was getting emotional.

"Mom....do i look good?" Angel was self conscious, she didn't know what Alois would think when he would see her. Her mother was shocked as she turned around, all dressed in white, with a transparent, thin laced veil covering half her face.

Her pale yet elegant lipstick making her look stunning, she wore very little make up byt still managed to look beautiful. Her hair was up in a stylish bun, decorated with pearls and shining small diamonds. Her dress fitting her perfectly.

"You look like a princess, i am so happy." A tear slipped along her cheek, wishing her other children were there too, witnessing their sister's wedding. She became even more emotional.

"Hey mom, don't cry.......stop it's not like im leaving or anything right. Im yhe alpha female of this pack......why the hell are you crying!?" Angel held a concerned expression.

"I wondered........what it would be like if.......your siblings were still here too. They would have been 21 right." She sniffed but smiled again, "but lets forget this now.....you need to get ready fast, the priest is here and everything." She hastily patted down Angel's dress.

"But.....mom i wish the same too." Was all Angel muttered.

The luna smiled but pulled onto Angel's hand towards the door, her father was waiting for her, he smiled brightly as he took in Angel's appearance.

"You look beautiful pup." He complimented but in his daddy wolf heart, he was emotional too. He was a father, he too remembered his pups on that day, to him this moment was bittersweet.

Angel smiled at the compliment and held tightly onto his arm as they walked down the stairs, outside to the aisle where Alois had his back to them.

Angel scanned her surroundings, she noticed Cain and Valentine first, they were such an odd pair. Valentine held tightly onto Cain's hand, then she saw Marine and Nick by each other's side, then her eyes travelled to Xander and his mate holding onto their newborn, she was overjoyed by what she saw. Her closest friend was now complete.

She looked at everyone in the crowd, the omegas, the gamma, the normal members, the new addition to the pack. She smiled brightly at everyone, something she rarely did in the past.

What caught her attention next were her pups, laughing loudly at their mother's puffy dress. They didn't understand and to them it was funny, Grace was the one laughing the loudest bringing Rosemary to accompany him. He was the most talkative of the too, although they looked alike, they thought and acted differently. They both stood next to their father at the aisle.

Angel looked at the big man stood next to her pups, she watched as he slowly turned around as soon as the crowd had started cheering for them, she smiled brightly at his stunned expression, his eyes watering and his smile widening. He looked ecstatic.

Alois she mouthed his name which made him blush.

Alois' pov

The pups by my side, i stood for now 5 minutes at the aisle, i was clearly nervous.

The priest looked amused as he saw me sweating. I didn't know what to await, i had never been to a human wedding before.

Grace pulled at my fingers,

"Daddy......where's mommy?" He asked with a big smile on his face. He looked cute in his little white suit, next to him Rosemary held her little wolf plushie in her arms, her little white dress making her look like a miny angel, she watched me with her observing eyes before she muttered,

"It's okay daddy."

"Grace mommy will be here in a few minutes. And yes thank you Rose." I spoke softly.

These pups were my life, my happiness. They both always wore the pendants their mother adorned around their neck. Angel's siblings' last memories...

As the crowd cheered, i knew she was arriving. I didn't know what to expect, i turned slowly only to be blown away, she wore that dress like a goddess, her belly bump making her look perfect.

This beautiful woman was my mate and she was coming to me dressed in white like an angel to stay with me forever. As it dawned on me that i finally had my own family, i couldn't stop the tears, she looked splendide.

I also knew my face looked awkwardly pinkish as i noticed her mouth my name several times as she approached. She made me immensely happy.

The woman i was going to spend my whole existence with.

As she approached i held out my hand to her and she took it without hesitation , i pulled her up to me as the pups squeezed in between us which made Angel laugh.

"You look beautiful, mate." I spoke to her ears and watched with satisfaction as she blushed red.

The priest interrupted us by clearing his throat,
"Shall we begin?"

"Yes!" Angel and i spoke together.

After exchanging rings and pledging our vows, we were married. We kissed which made the pups run away, Rosemary following little Grace. I watched them run off to the garden, Angel stopped me as i was about to follow them.

"Take a look around, see if ours guests or pack members need anything, i will look for them. The banquet will start in a few minutes, see to it that everything is perfect." She said before pecking my lips and walking off hastily in the pups' direction.

Third person's pov

Angel was amused by the pups' reaction, she followed their scents up to a tree. The biggest tree on pack ground, the tree behind which they would hide when they play hide and seek.

"Pups come out!" She called out to them. She heard them laughing but froze as soon as she smelled a foreign scent.

"Grace! Rosemary!" She rushed around the thick trunk to be met with a woman, who stood awkwardly before her.

Her pups rushed to her side,

"Mommy.....who is that?" Little Grace was perplexed but not alarmed since he didn't sense ill intentions from the person before him.

Angel smiled but didn't speak. On that happy day, she thanked the moon Goddess who supported her all throughout her journey. She smiled brighter at the stranger, ready to welcome her in.....yet again.

The End.....

Or maybe not.....

Author's notes:

My last chap for 'dear omega' Angel and Alois story ends here. Thank you for reading. ^-^

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