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Angel couldn't sleep that night, she was worried. She didn't feel safe even within her land.

The man whose name she found out was Arnold Thorn was a spy, an assassin as well as a shrewd rogue. A person filled with malice. The man she tortured told her a little too much, things she didn't want to hear.

Angel was terrified.

*3 hours ago*

As soon as she heard from the gatekeeper that the rogue woke up and he was very agitated, Angel ran to the dungeons, she didn't even think about Alois then. All she needed were answers.

When she reached there, the guards warned her about the rogue being too agitated, they told her that he was possessed.

Possessions were rare. They were caused by witches. No werewolf pack would employ witches, they were way too dangerous, witches were known for having no rules, they were not accountable to anyone.

But their magic were darker and of the most cruel origins. They preyed on the weaks and devoured the innocents. There were no such thing as a good witch. Those who decided to help, would only do so for high amounts of money or in return for a life.

But it wasn't unusual for a pack of rogues to employ a witch, that is mainly  what keeps them going, since they have no support. The level of cruelty those rogues had was horrifying, they were capable of anything, sacrificing few members or newborns just for witches.

The rogue was not possessed by any kind of ghost or demon, instead they were being manipulated by the witches who cast the damned spells and in the end when the vessel had been used or over used, the witch devoured the body.

And Angel knew, this mad Alpha must have sacrificed at least 7 of his pack members to this witch. She felt pity for the rogue but rage overpowered that petty feeling.

Angel walked to the body and grinned up at the man who had an evil grin on his face.

"Ohhhh so she is finally here  finally here the future luna yes yes the future luna she is a beauty a real beauty ahahahahahhaha" that was definitely not the rough manly and coarse voice of the man.

This voice was gender neutral, Angel couldn't tell whether the witch was male or female. A voice that was high and low at the same time, a voice that made her want to grab into his chest and pull out the heart.

"Who are you?" The room went silent, Angel let out a frustrated sign.

"Why are you manipulating this wolf, witch!? What's your purpose here on my grounds?" Angel stood tall looking up at the chained yet empty vessel filled with malice.

The creature didn't respond, instead let out a sinister laugh. Then it spoke.

"If i told you, you wouldn't believe me. But i am here to deliver a message from the alpha."


The man's body went limp for a second before his body jerked up and his head hung low, he started gagging, saliva pouring down his mouth.

He was about to vomit.

"Get back! All of you move away from this bastard!" As soon as i spoke, Arnold let out a loud choking cry and spit on the floor.

It was blood, more and more blood flowed out of hia mouth. His face was distorted with pain, blood shot eyes stared at the floor, his pupils dilating,  he was being eaten slowly.

What came out of his mouth lastly were pendants, two identical pendants.

One of the pendant was adorned with a cuprite while the other Rose quartz. The rubies shone brightly, Angel's eyes filled with tears.

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