Fashion Sense

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Raph's POV

I stepped out of the kitchen and into a wall of stupid, aka Mikey.

'Dude!' Mikey complained 'watch it!'

I was about to hit him when I noticed something 'what on earth are you wearing?'

'Oh this?' He said, forgetting his beef with me, 'it's a friend of mine'

'It's a t-shirt' I said skeptically

'Not just any t-shirt Raph, it's a special t-shirt. It's sleeves aren't too long or too short, it's linen, yes Raph it is linen, and it has a turtle on the front of it, my spirit animal'

'We ARE turtles idiot, how does that make it special?' I asked skeptically

'Umm well... Donnie gave it to me'


'You jealous Raph? It's cause I'm his favourite bro'

'Whatever' I growled as I pushed past him and his smug face.


Still Raph's POV

We were in the dojo in teams: Donnie and I vs the other two.

'Hajime!' Said Splinter

I went for Mikey, I was swinging my sais but I didn't have my head in the game and before I knew it I was sprawled on my back on the dojo floor with Mikey victory dancing around me.

'Jeez Raph you must have been distracted to be taken down by MIKEY' Leo teased

'Yeah' Mikey chimed then was hit by the realisation train, 'wait.... HEY!!'

'It's Mikey's dumb shirt, it's distracting and stupid' I growled as I got to my feet

'Yes Raphael, Michelangelo's shirt IS stupid' Splinter said ('say that to my face' hissed Mikey right before he was knocked of his feet by his sensei's tail) 'but you cannot always count on your surroundings to be low key, distractions are common and always possible but as a ninja you must learn to ignore them'

'Hai sensei' I said grudgingly

Donnie's POV

We were leaving the dojo when Raph held me back 'Why did you give Mikey that stupid shirt?' He demanded

I smirked 'well he keeps getting into my lab and pretending to be a scientist with ice cream kitty who keeps melting on the desk so now ALL the surfaces are STICKY!'

Raph took a step back clearly surprised by my out break but I continued 'so I gave him a t-shirt with a tracking devise installed so when ever he enters my lab a get a notification on the t-phone, if so much as puts one toe over the line I'll know instantly, and I will attack without mercy'

'Wow Donnie that's dark' Raph said sounding both wary and amazed.

I grinned and walked away.

Mikey's T-shirtWhere stories live. Discover now