Major Sewer Apple

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Mikey's POV
I opened my eyes, which doubled the pain in my head. I was leaning on something, strapped to it.
This did not bode well.
I looked around, I was in yet another metal room.
I seemed to be on some sort of bench but it was tilted so much I was almost standing vertically, just enough that I still had to support my weight.
I looked down and....wait where's my t-shirt?
How could I have not noticed it was missing. Oh sewer apples.
I heard a creak from behind me, that must have been where the door was. I heard the clink of metal on metal:
I cranned my neck and watched him walk slowly past me. He stopped, not facing me then he spoke.
'Have you considered?' He asked
'I'm not giving away my family'
'Oh I wouldn't be so sure' he cooed nastily
'Never!' I shouted
He spun around and in two strides was in my face 'Is that so'
We glared at each other, the air electric with anticipation.
'Baxter' Shredder yelled
I heard I yelp then the squeak of old wheels.
The fly man came in, push a movable bench (like the ones cleaners push around)
My eyes traveled warily over it. It was stacked with gadgets and anything sharp you could think of.
Shredder picked up one of the knives and twirled it between his fingers. Then, without warning he lunged at me, driving the blade into my wounded shoulder.
I let out a cry of pain.
Shredder pulled the blade out and resumed twirling it.
'So turtle, do you still feel like hiding anything'
'I'll never tell you' I said, mustering as much venom as possible while holding back tears.
'Oh what a shame' Shredder said in mock sadness, 'looks like it's going to be a long day'

So, will Mikey break?
Hope not!
If you have anything you think would be evil for Shredder to do to Mikey please write it in the comments!

Mikey: Hey!! I thought we were friends
Me: Chill dude it's just a story
Mikey: NO ITS NOT!!!

Until next time💙❤️💜🧡

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