Not-so-secret secrets

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Mikey's POV
Drip drip drip.
The blood from my wrist hit the surface of the cluttered desk.
It's a stupid thing to do Mikey, what would the guys think?
What would Splinter think?
But it feels so.....freeing.
I tied my wrist back up in its wrappings, and heaved a big slow sigh.
So did my stomach, well it didn't sigh it more yelled at me in starved desperation.
1:57 am
Huh, I wonder when was the last time I ate.
I picked up my crutches (my 'dissected' leg is still super weak) and hobbled our into the kitchen.
I was shocked to find my bros up at this late/early hour. They were sitting around the table arguing in whispers.
They stopped abruptly as I entered.

Welp that's super sketchy.

'Oh hi Mikey' Leo chirped (yeah I said chirped)
'Sup' I muttered half heartedly
They followed me with their eyes as I made my way to the fridge, grabbed a single, cold piece of pizza and left.
They went back to their hushed chatter as soon as I was out of earshot.
I hobbled back to my room with no intention of actually going in.
I open the door then shut it just loud enough for them to hear, then snuck back to the kitchen entrance.
I listened from the shadows.
'Shut it Raph' Leo growled 'we can't just leave him alone'
'Ok then fearless' the red masked turtle replied 'what do you have in mind seeing as you know everything'
'I don't and I didn't say that!' Leo sounded exasperated
'Both of you be quiet' Donnie ordered 'we need to get him to open up'
'How though!?' Raph whined
'I don't know! But we need to try, ok'
'Ok' Leo replied
'Fine' Raph growled 'but I still think it would be just as effective if we forced him to tell us'
'Seriously Raph we just went through this, we don't want to stress him out even more!' Donnie exclaimed
'Ugh you people' Raph growled and trudged out of the kitchen.
I bearly had time to hide.

Close one.

Ok so that's what they're on about.
Why so secret?
Is something wrong with me?
It's obviously stressing my bros out.
God I'm such a burden.
I slunk back to my room.
I lowered myself into my desk chair, pulled of my wrist wrappings and popped out my nunchucks blade
Im such a burden
Did they even what me to get away from Shredder?
Was the video real?
Do they want me back at all?
Am I just a waste of space
I'm so broken
Tears and blood soaked my bench top. I carefully wiped away the evidence and flopped onto my bed.
Not that I was going to sleep.
I didn't deserve it.

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