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Mikey's POV
I woke to a kick in the side. I groaned and opened my eyes. I'd been moved to a cell clearly but I bearly had time to think about that as I looked up to see who my attacker was.
It was Karai flanked by Rahzar and fish face.
Shredders daughter looked at me what I think must have been pity.
She had entered holding a plater with a small bowl on top.
'Shredder will be fetching you soon enough' she said as she placed the bowl at her feet. 'Let's go,' she told the other two. As they turned the other way she winked at me.
When they were out of sight, I scrambled to the bowl as fast as I could while supporting dozens of injures. I was starving. The bowl was occupied by a small scoop of rice.
As I lifted up the bowl something clanged to the floor beside me.
A key!!!
What? I'm so confused! That had to be Karai.
Girls are so unpredictable.
I picked up the key and stumbled to the cell door. The key fit!


Raph's POV
The electric shot seemed to last forever.
I gasped as I fell to the floor.
'This is fun' fish face snickered 'I almost wish you wouldn't tell us where your rat master is hiding'
I gritted my teeth.
'We'll never give away our sensei' Donnie yelled, but I wish he hadn't.
I gasped for breath, my eyes wide at hearing the familiar sounding voice,
I looked up. Could that really be.....
It was Mikey!
He was standing over by the back entrance, he turned to the side and hit a large red button protruding from the wall.
The cage flew back up into the air, suspended by thick metal chains.
Mikey's light blue eyes were full of hatred, to the point i was intimidated by him.
Leo Donnie and I were super shocked not only by the appearance of Mikey but the appearance of him (if you get what it saying)
We recovered quickly and charged the enemy mutants, we had time to fuss over our bro later.
Rahzar took his chance before we reached him to charge at Mikey, who was in no shape to fight.
The giant canine swung at the youngest turtle sending him across the room.
'Mikey!' Donnie yelled to our motionless brother.
Turns out having a strong motivator can take down enemies real fast.
Within 5 minutes, Shredders goons lay unconscious on the floor.
I had my sais at Xevers throat but Leo stopped me from finishing the job to my great annoyance.
What? He deserves it!
We rushed over to our younger brother.
'Mikey' Leo called, lightly shaking his shoulder.
The orange masked turtles eyes fluttered open. 'Mikey, thank pizza you're ok!' I sighed
'Well I wouldn't say ok Raph, but alive, yes' Donnie said
'Chill dudes' Mikey said, though his interruption was barely audible the three of us fell silent.
'Mikey relax, we'll get you back to the lair' Donnie soothed

Mikey's POV
'No!' I said quickly, not wanting to be a burden
'I can walk'
I started to sit up but was gently pushed back down.
'Mikey, you saved our lives' Leo reminded 'I think we owe you'
'I guess all my practice pushing buttons paid off' I grinned weakly staring up into Leo's midnight blue eyes. I saw the beginning of a tear as he wiped away the trickle of blood from my mouth.
'Let's get you home' he said
I closed my eyes and was out to it, once again.


Bet you weren't expecting that!!
Mikey your a legend

Mikey: why, thank you
Me: shhh don't ruin the moment

I don't own the art and I don't know who does- if anyone knows the owner let me know and I'll give them a shout out.

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