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So this is happening in the same time frame as the last chapter. Kapeesh? Cool

Mikey's POV
Owwwwww why does everything hurt?
I opened my eyes to slits. Though my eyesight was super fuzzy I could see that the room I was lit with a harsh white light, all the metal surfaces (which was pretty much everything) glared at me. I tried to rub my eyes when I noticed I was chained down, kneeling.
Sewer apples.

(Like shown above, by my very professional doodle-I wasn't sure how to explain it)

I pulled at the chains, though I wasn't sure what I was trying to achieve.
I looked around, taking in my surroundings. I was in a square metal room, no windows, it's only light came from the fluorescent bulbs.
A painful thumping was coming from behind my eyes, I didn't realise brains could hurt so bad.
I looked down at where my leg had been shot. It was wrapped in dirty, bloody bandages and felt worse than it looked.
And it looked pretty bad.
My shoulder was no better, also wrapped in the same dirty material.
I was struggling to stay conscious. Where am I, what happened? Then it dawned on me, this place looks awfully Shredder like. A lump rose in my throat. Metal, more metal, reeks of Shredhead, how did I not see this before?
I gulped.
A cold laugh rang from the walls.
I yelped in surprise.
Like Shredder wasn't scary enough, then he had to make it seem like he was everywhere!!!
'I'm n..not afraid of you Shredder!' I lied
'Is that so, turtle' he rumbled, his voice amplified by the metal walls, it echoed through my pounding head, 'tell me where Splinter is and I shall make you and your brothers demise swift, though I cannot say the same about your sensei'
'Never!' I cried, this wasn't a lie.
'Is that so' he jeered, 'I was almost hoping you'd say that. Let's have some fun, turtle'

Oooooo, cliff hanger! Sorry 😏

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