Don't touch me

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This is set two days after the previous chapter

Mikey's POV
I was lying on my bed, nothing new.
Bored, bored, bored.
It was like my brain was in repeat.
Bored, bored, bored.
Then: maybe I should cut
'Mikey!'  Donnie yelled from the lab
I legit freaked out, thinking he somehow read my thoughts.
Then I realised I was being dumb.
'What!!?' I yelled back
'Check up! Duh!'
I stiffened glancing at my wrist.
He shouldn't check my wrist, there's no reason to. If I refuse he'll know somethings up.
I started breathing fast.
They can't know! How will I live this down!
They'll be sooo mad! They'll think I'm a drama queen! They'll think....
'Mikey! Cmon we don't have all day!' Donnie called again
I slowed my breathing, picked up my crutches and made my way to the lab.

Donnie's POV
Mikey hobbled into the lab looking distressed.
'What's up?' I asked 'you look a bit unsettled'
'Wha? Oh ummm hehe, well this comic book I'm reading right? Well it's um super scary'
Riiiight, I thought.
'Sit on the bench over there' I directed as I collected the bandages and antibacterial spray so I could rewrap his wounds.
He plopped himself onto the bench with a groan of pain.
'How's your leg?' I questioned
'I dunno maybe you should ask it'
'Seriously Mikey? Do you still need the crutches?'
'Nah dude I feel like a super hero'
'What about you ribs?'
'Ok I guess'
'Let me check it's range of motion, tell me if it hurts too much' I said reaching for his wrist
He jerked it away.
'Mikey, I'll stop when you say' I promised
His eyes darted around as though he were a cornered animal looking for an escape.
'Mikey' I said sternly
His baby blues rested on my face
'Ok' he said stiffly
As I gripped his wrist I noticed him flinch, like that alone pained him.
'Mikey is your wrist ok?' I questioned 'You winced, do you want me to check it out?'
'No!' He said a bit too quickly
'Listen if something's wrong it's best to get it looked at'
'I know,'s just I was just uh worried about uhh you hurting my shoulder, that's all. I promise my wrist is a-ok' he tried desperately to convince me.
'Look bro I know something's bothering.....'
'Just drop it ok!' Mikey flared up, guarding his wrist.
I was shocked.
'Mikey...' I began but he pushed past me and limped out of the lab 'Are you sure you don't need your crutches?!'
'I'm fine!' He snapped
Sheesh, something's definitely up.
I better tell the others.

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