Pizza of doom

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Ok in case you forgot Mikey just walked into a pizzeria full of Shredders dudes/henchmen/goons
Art by Mintysart (Insta)

Tiger claw's POV
'Hey!' One of the purple dragon lowlifes yelled from the other room.
'This better be good' I growled as I trudged over followed by Xever and Bradford (aka Fish Face and Rahzar if you're unsure)
Ok they DID have a good reason: one of Splinters useless turtles was standing, frozen with shock, just inside the door.
He turned around very slowly as though that would stop us noticing him.

Mikey's POV
I spun slowly around, I'd read somewhere that if you move super slow animals calm down and leave you alone.
Worth a shot right?
Speaking of shots Tiger claw sent a bullet of that weird icy stuff in my direction.
It hit the handle, sealing us in, well unless you wanna smash the glass windows and I am not gonna do that.
You say stupid but I say...ok a bit stupid, well maybe a lot but I still won't vandalise the property of those who turn happiness into a food. 🍕🍕🍕
I pulled my head out of the clouds, I had to get out of here. Tiger claw fired another shot at me, and another and another. I dodged, duh. Smashing the window seemed like a reasonable option at the moment.
I swung my nunchucks.
Why are windows so easy to brake? I quickly glanced around as I leapt towards my escape route. I heard the ringing shots of Tiger claws gun. I seering pain ripped through my shoulder. I landed on the cold cement outside and stumbled to a post box.
I gripped my shoulder, I'd never actually been hit before but then again I'd always had my brothers to watch my back.
Another burst of pain exploded through my body, this time originating from my leg.
I dropped to my knees.
Pull yourself together Mikey!
I heard Shedder's dudes laughing evilly.
I had to get away from them.
Back to the lair.
I leapt to my feet only to crumple to the ground once again, letting out a yelp of pain. I grasped my leg and got to my feet-sloooowly.
I was so focused on getting up I didn't notice fish face, Rahzar and Tiger claw coming towards me.
I glanced around and yelped again, I wasn't sure if it was from fear or pain but either way I was feeling a lot of both. I gritted my teeth and got into my fighting stance.
'Booyakashar' I whimpered
Tiger claw just laughed, a humourless grating noise. I swung my nunchucks with my uninjured arm.
I was not gonna win this.
Then I remembered Leo's habit of 'tactical retreats' and thought maybe it was a good idea after all. I started limping backwards as fast as I could, down the street.
The three nasties just watched smirking then Rahzar leapt forward and swiped at me (I hadn't gotten far so it wasn't hard to bridge the gap).
I deflected with my nunchucks but the force knocked me off my feet. I groaned with pain as a stopped myself from smashing my head on the ground with my injured shoulder/arm.
Rahzar looked me in the eyes, mine very large by this point.
Pure (and cruel) joy was etched on his boney face. He reached up one claw and brought it down with a mighty sweep.
I remembered no more.


Art by mintysarts (Insta)

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