Where's Breakfast?

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Back with the majority of the turtles

Leo's POV
I yawned, pulled myself out of bed and trudged out to the kitchen. It was empty. That's odd, why isn't Mikey making breakfast.
'Mikey!' I yelled 'if you don't want us trashing the kitchen again you'd better come and make breakfast!'
I was answered with silence - my least favourite response.
'Mikey!' I called again
I walked over to Mikey's room and banged on the door.
'Mikey get up!'
Still nothing. Ugh so annoying.
'Leo, I think you should make some more noise, the other half of the city is still asleep' Raph growled poking his head out of his room, he's not a morning turtle.
'Well Mikey is refusing to answer me and as leader it is my job to....' I began
'Yeah yeah whatever' Raph pushed past me, 'Mikey either you come out or I come in!'
Nothing, again.
'Your choice' he said as he kicked down the door.
We peered inside, it was empty (we'll aside from a really weird smell).
Then it occurred to me 'Hey, did Mikey end up coming home last night?'
'I dunno' said Raph
I glared at him, 'how come?'
'Cause I didn't go with him'
'Why not?'
'Hey it's not my job to babysit him'
'It's not babysitting it's the smart thing to do! It's harder to capture two turtle than one!' I said exasperatedly
'You think he was captured?'
'No, I don't know. I'm just saying it's not good for us to be out alone'
'Why didn't YOU go then' he demanded
'Because I was busy meditating with Splinter'
'Oh yeah, well I was busy too'
'Raph I heard you say it was because of his shirt you wouldn't go with him'
'Yes I was busy avoiding his shirt. Why does he even wear a shirt, he doesn't need to, we're turtles for crying out loud!'
I sighed, 'let's get Donnie'

Donnie's POV
I was typing away on my computer when I heard a knock at my door.
'Come in!' I yelled
It was Leo and Raph.
'Donnie, we think Mikey didn't come home last night' Leo said
'What?!' I was shocked 'well um maybe he got lost?'
'I don't think so, he doesn't tend to do that' Leo replied
'Just track him with that shirt you gave him' Raph suggested
'Good idea' I said
'Wait what?' Leo said, clearly confused
'Oh yeah, Donnie gave Mikey the shirt. He put a tracker in it so he can see when Mikes near the lab' Raph answered
'Why didn't I know?! I'm the leader and I would have told you that's unexceptable!' Leo said angrily
'And thats why we didn't tell you' Raph stated 'Donnie, have you found him yet?'
'Yes' I replied 'he's two blocks from here, in the old warehouse'
'Is it just me or does that scream evil' Raph said, though I could tell he wasn't scared.
'Let's go team' said Leo.

Sorry, this chapter was pretty uneventful. Until next time!!

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