Busted (custard)

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Raph's POV
We searched the lair.
We couldn't find Mikey.
'He must've gone into the tunnels' Leo concluded
'That's stupid! He would do it again would he?! After what happened last time' I exclaimed
'I don't think he's thinking straight Raph' Leo said 'that's why we need to find him ASAP'
'Guys!' Donnie came rushing towards us, his
t-phone at his ear 'it's April, she says Mikey's at her place. He just passed out!'
'What?! Cmon we better hurry' Leo yelped 'Lets go team!'


Leo's POV
'April' I called
The shutters were pulled open.
'He's over here' she directed us to the corner of her room where Mikey was slumped against the wall.
Donnie rushed over and started checking Mikey over. His pulse, breathing, temperature etc.
'Ok so his leg wound has reopened and....' Don muttered.
He took the wrappings off the unconscious turtles wrist then slapped his hand over his mouth.
The skin was practically shredded and there was what looked like a stab wound the went halfway through the wrist.
Blood still gushed from it.
'He's in hypovolemic shock' Donnie said
'What?' I asked
'Hypovolemic shock, it's a life-threatening condition you get when you lose more than 20 percent of your body's blood or fluid supply.' Donnie explained ' It makes impossible for the heart to pump a enough blood around your body, it could lead to organ failure! Or even death!'
'So what do we do fearless leader!' Raph demanded
'I don't know! Donnie?'
'I'll try slow the bleeding then we'll get him back to the lair'


April's POV
We were leaping along the roof tops, Raph and Leo were carrying Mikey while Donnie went ahead to get the lab ready.
Climbing down into the sewers was no easy task, especially if your supporting a mutant turtle.
We finally arrived at the lair and laid Mikey on the bench/bed.
Donnie flushed the wounds and hooked him up to an IV and oxygen.
He shooed us out of the lab, muttering something about how he doesn't want an audience.
Raph slumped into the couch and Leo just walked in circles.

Raph's POV
I don't know how long we were sitting there.
I was fuming.
He was hurting himself!
I can't believe Mikey hid this from us!
He ran away!
He locked us in his room!
He could have died.....
'Raph' Leo's voice broke through my inner rant.
'What?' I snapped
'I know you stressed but maybe spare the cushions'
'Oh....' I just noticed I was covered in stuffing and fabric shreds.

Mikey's POV
It was dark, I was in some sort of liquid.
It wasn't water.
Something grabbed my foot.
I opened my mouth to gasp but I inhaled the surrounding liquid instead.
I was choking and being pulled under.
Panic stricken, I slashed around in the blood bath (literally).
I was submerged, being pulled deeper and deeper when... I stopped.
My surroundings disappeared, turning into a inky black nothingness.
Thump thump thump
What the....
Thump thump thump
Was that my heart?
I started to became aware to the fact I was lying on my back.
I tried to open my eyes, but my lids were too heavy.
I tried again
All I saw was blur. I green blob hovered over me.
My eyes came into focus.
It was Donnie.
'Guys!' He called 'Mikey's awake!'
I went rigid.
Sewer apples.

Sorry that took awhile 😐
Votes and comments are appreciated muchly!

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