Well that didnt work

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Leo's POV
We reached the warehouse, it was still super early but there was the odd person here and there.
'This is it' Donnie confirmed
Something felt off. I looked around
'Guys I think....' I trailed off, they'd already gone in, I cursed under my breath. They were unbelievable!!
I followed their lead, though it should've been the other way round.
The walls were lined with crates and boxes, and in middle of the huge room was Mikey's t-shirt. We all stared at it then the other two started running towards it.
'Wait' I yelled but just as the word escaped my lips a horrible grinding noise filled the air.
I looked around frantically, trying to find what was making the dreadful noise. Then the boxes and crates started to collapse and break.
The walls were surging inward, giant cruel drills revealed themselves from the rubble.
I knew it was a bad idea to charge into a random abandoned warehouse!! Why don't they ever listen to me?
I pushed the thought out of my mind. I needed to focus. We backed into the centre on the room.
The drills of destruction pursued.
I thought of Mikey, he was the one who named things, he'd hate to know if named something without him. He'd be quite put out. If we ever found him I vowed I wouldn't tell. No WHEN we find him. Focus Leo, you need to get out of here.
The three on us where back to back (to back).
The room was now only 2m by 2m and getting smaller. The jagged blades where inches from my plastron. They started to dot my brothers and I with small wounds as they drilled on when they....stopped?
The walls retreated at incredible speed, and before we had time to react
A cage fell down on top of us, I nearly jumped out of my shell.
Great, it's a trap.
'Why don't you guys ever listen to me!' I complained
'Well Shredder has had a good two days'
It was Rahzar, flanked by fish face.
'Looks like Stockman isn't completely useless after all, his trap seemed to work'
Raph lunged at the bars 'Let us go!' He yelled, like that was ever gonna work.
'And why is that turtle' Xever asked, smirking at us.
'Tell is where Mikey is' I demanded
'Oh he's just enjoying Shredders company' fish face answered.
'NO!' Raph yelled as he started shaking at the bars 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM!!'
'That is for us to know and for you to die wondering' said Tiger claw as he emerged from the shadows 'now tell us the location of your lair and maybe you brother won't have to die as slowly or painfully'
'IM GONNA KILL YOU!!!' Raph roared as he threw a ninja star at Tiger claw.
The big cat dodged then reached into his pocket and pulled out a detonator and pressed the button.
Electricity surged through my body, I crumpled to my knees. And as soon as it started it stopped.
I was panting, I looked over at the other two, they hadn't taken it any better than me.
'What the...' I managed to mutter
'Oh did we forget to mention we have means of controlling our prisoners' Tiger claw added.

Mikey's POV
I let out a whimper as Shredder slowly and deeply ran a blade down my leg.
I didn't want to look.
Tears ran down my cheeks.
My breathing was a unsteady.
I looked down, half heartedly.
I could see the bloody flowing like a red river.
My injuries where vast and ever growing, I had been stabbed in the shoulder twice and once in the arm. My plastron has a crack from where Shredder had kicked me, a small trickle of blood ran from my mouth to my chin where in dripped onto my shaky bleeding legs. It hurt to breath. My face was a wreck, tears and blood ran freely. Bruises covered 50% of my body.
I looked away again a Shredder pulled out the knife. He straightened up.
'Do want this pain to stop? Tell us where your sensei is hiding and all this can end'
The offer was tempting, I cursed myself for thinking that.
'N..never' I sobbed
'Well then, you might want to see this' Shredder said softly.
He lifted an old tv from under the torture trolly, and placed on top.
'We caught your brothers' he sneered
'No!' I gasped
'Yes, Michelangelo'
He turned on the ancient little box.
An image of my brothers flashed onto the screen.
I watched the screen as Leo started to speak 'this is crazy, why are we even trying to rescue him?'
'Because Splinter made us!' Raph spat 'like I'd want to bother rescuing that runt!'
Ouch, that hit where it hurts. But they weren't done yet:
'If he's so special why did he get captured in the first place' Donnie added
Raph had an anger outburst and punched the wall. 'Why did we even try! Now Shredder has got us all! And do you know why? BECAUSE OF STUPID MIKEY!!' He finished of with a yell of frustration.
'Calm down Raph' Leo ordered, 'we need to get out of here' almost thought he was coming to my defence when 'we'll just tell Splinter we couldn't find Michelangelo'
Raph and Donnie nodded.
I gasped, why did they hate me all of a sudden? Why did Leo say Michelangelo? What happened to Mikey?
Unless, they never really liked me.
No Mikey this can't be real, it doesn't seem right.
But it all makes sense, no one ever wants to go skateboarding, and I do seem to get in the most trouble.....
No this isn't real.
Shredder flicked the switch and the screen went blank. 'You see turtle, they don't love you'
He sneered 'what are you trying to protect?'
I didn't want to believe it, I loved my bro's and they loved me back. As far as I knew at least. But it seemed so real, so did the hurt I was feeling inside.
But Splinter still loves me. I hope. He at least wants me alive.
'I'll never give up my family' I spat
'Is that so?' Growled Shredder right before he punched me in the face.

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