Pizza - Yay or Nay

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Leo's POV
I'm starting to worry about Mikey.
At first I thought he was just recovering when he only came out of his room for the occasional snack, but it's been going on for two weeks now. He doesn't even come out for pizza!
I confided in Don and he's been in his lab ever since.
Now I'm worried about both of them!
I also realise that I've been taking Mikey's cooking for granted.
I sighed and turned the stove off.
The smell of burnt food filled the tiny kitchen.
Oh well, we had to many cake mixes anyway.


The sudden shout nearly scared me out of my shell.
Donnie rocketed into the room.
'Got what?' I asked confused
'I KNOW WHATS WRONG WITH....Mikey'  he finished with a whisper, as he glanced around as if our younger brother might be eavesdropping from inside one of the cupboards.
'What!?' I exclaimed only to be shushed by the brainiac.
'I think he might have PTSD. It would explain his recent activity....' he trailed up looking concerned yet thoughtful.
'Um what do you mean? What are the symptoms?' I urged
'Oh, yeah well...'
D ruffled through a stack of paper, sending most of them flying. He snatched a particularly crumpled piece of paper from the flurry of documents.
'Whadya find Don? Your dignity? cause I was sure we'd lost it for good'
My first thought was oh shit Mikey! But it was just Raph. He smirked as he entered the kitchen.
'Oh it's you' Don shoulders relaxed, clearly as relieved as I was.
What would Mikey think if he found out we were talking about him behind his back?
'No I found out what's wrong with Mikey'
'Oh yeah?' He asked 'Spit it our'
'Well' Donnie said slightly peeved 'I think he might be suffering from PTSD'
'Prying troublesome slob dumb? So you just found a list of adjectives?' Raph teased
'Shut it Raph this is serious' I ordered, he rolled his eyes which annoyed me even more.

'Ok so symptoms include agitation, irritability,
flashback, severe anxiety, mistrust, insomnia and nightmares' Donnie listed

'So what do we do?' Raph asked
'Well we don't actually know for sure so we should just observe for the time being' Donnie suggested
'Got it' Raph and I said in unison

Mikey's POV
I opened my eyes and rolled over with a pained groan.
I wasn't sure what time it was.
Not that I really cared.
Why should I?
I didn't have a routine. Each hour was just as painful as the next.
Why do I feel so.....grumpy? Or depressed?
And the flash backs, what's their deal?

'I'VE GOT IT!!!'

Sheesh that gave me a fright.
Oh well I wonder what got D all riled up?
Probably something boring. Or something secret.....
Ugh now I wanna know.
I made an attempt to get up but slumped back onto my unmade bed.
Owwww everything hurts.
If the guys wanted me to know they'd tell me. But they obviously don't think I'm worth sharing this information with.
Ok that didn't make me feel better.
I don't really care anymore.

Ok sorry that took awhile, sorry it's a bit lame and short 😖
Just setting the scene

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