Leo, Why?

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No POV-just more of an explanation
It's been 48 since Mikey escaped the Shredder.
He has spent that time in Donnie's lab hooked up to various machines.
He has fallen unconscious 4 times.
It's had Ice cream kitty is worried sick (🙀🍦).

Mikey's POV
I was walking on a thick blanket of snow.
It was so cold of against my feet that I could no longer feel my toes.
I shivered, the white flakes were falling fast and heavy. I could bearly see my hand in front of me.
I blade came out of no where.
I ducked, just in time.
Then all of a sudden the snow just stopped.
As the last of the flakes fell to the ground I saw the figure who swiped at me...wait, Leo?
'Hello Michelangelo' he hissed, I noticed his eyes were white, not a good sign.
'Leo are you ok' I asked tentatively
He let out a shrill cry, it chilled me to the bone.
The call seemed to summon a dark shadow, which cloaked every icicle and snowflake until the land was a sad grey.
'What's going on?' I asked urgently 'Leo what's happening?'
'I don't know turtle you tell me'
I got into I fighting stance, but my weapons where gone.
Shredder lunged at me, knocking me to the ground 'Leo help!' I screamed
'Oh I'll help Michelangelo' he grinned cruelly as he drove his blade into my side.
I cried out in pain and shock.
'No Leo please!' I begged
He just looked at me, eyes full of hate as the world began to fade around me.

I sat bolt upright, I was drenched in sweat.
I looked to my right to see a startled Leo watching me.
'Mikey are you alright....' he began as he moved towards me
'No!' I yelped 'Keep away! Don't hurt me!'

Leo's POV
I stopped in my tracks.
'Mikey it's ok' I said
'Please Leo!' I he cried panic stricken 'Don't please don't'
'It's ok, I won't hurt you' I said, shocked and hurt.
Mikey looked at me and blinked a few times.
His scared expression turning into confusion.
'Are you ok Mikey?' I asked.
'Y..yeah I'm good' he sighed
'Then what was all that talk about me hurting you?'
'Wha? Oh um i had this dream...' he faltered
'Go on' I encouraged
'Well I threw a ball at you and you got really mad and started chasing me' he grinned.
I was not convinced but I didn't pry, he'd tell me when he's ready.
At least I hoped so.
'What are you doing here anyway' He asked
'Just making sure you where ok'
'I'm ok, just gonna check on ice cream kitty'
'Yeah ok' I agreed 'do you want some help? Your leg hasn't healed yet'
'Nah I can do it, D gave me some crutches' he flashed another smile.
He started taking off the various clips that hooked him up to the machine.
'Woah what do you think your doing?'
Donnie was standing in the door way.
'Going to the kitchen' Mikey replied
'Because ice cream kitty is my friend, can you help me with the drippy thing' the injured turtle asked as he tucked at the syringe in his arm.
'IV drip' Donnie corrected 'fine I guess you don't really need it anymore'
I was confused as to Donnie was allowed to help without Mikey going into a fit of panic.
I pushed that to the back of my mind.
It's just cause this is his area of expertise, I told myself.
Nothing personal.

Sorry for the lame chapter
I haven't had much time (school is such a butt)
Will hopefully post again tomorrow

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