Donnie Doctor Mode

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Donnie's POV
I was full doctor mode, all I registered from Leo (and Raph's) explanation was the occasional 'WHAT!' or gasp.
I flushed Mikey's shoulder and arm wounds with antibiotics then sewed up and bandaged them up.
Leo had finished his brief explanation and the huddle had dispersed out of the lab, leaving me to work in peace.
I dressed all the smaller cuts then stuck my head into the living room.
'Guys! I'm gonna operate on Mikey's broken ribs!' I called
'What? Can't you just put a tight bandage around his chest' Raph asked desperately
'No, that can cause breathing difficulties' I said simply 'We'll need to screw in some metal plates to hold the ribs, it tends to make them heal quicker'
Raph grunted and retreated into his room.
'Splinter!' I called 'can I have some assistance!'
I led the rat to Mikey and injected some more Pentobarbital. 'You ready?' I asked
'As I'll ever be' he replied
We got to work.


Leo's POV
I'd been walking in circles for what felt like hours, April and Casey had to get back home so it was just Raph and I.
All of a sudden Donnie called us in.
'Is he awake?' I questioned 'will he be ok?'
'No he's still out but yes he should be fine' was Don's reply.
'Should be?' Raph growled
'Will be' Donnie corrected
The three of us jogged into the lab. Splinter was sitting by Mikey. When we entered he looked up 'I must go meditate, I shall give you some time alone' he said as he walked out.
Mikey was hooked up to an IV drip and oxygen.
The heart monitor showed his heart was beating very fast but weakly. Donnie had removed his mask.
Mikey's skin was pale and he took rapid shallow breaths.
'What's wrong with him' I asked
'He's suffered serve blood loss' Don explained
'How long till he wakes up?'
'Depends, could be a matter of minutes or hours, hard to say'

Mikey's POV
I was in a tunnel. Looks like a tunnel in the sewers.
The water was still.
As I walked along my footsteps echoed eerily.
I saw a glint of light around the corner.
I splashed my way over to the turn but when I got there the light was gone.
I kept moving forward, then the light reappeared ahead of me.
I ran towards it.
It didn't disappear this time.
It got brighter and brighter until I was blinded.
Then I found myself lying on my back, Donnie's light shining over me.

Raph's POV
I felt like I'd been watching him for hours. Mikey hadn't moved.
Leo was sitting on a stool with his head in his hands and Donnie was ticking away on his laptop.
I reached over with a towel Donnie had provided me with and wiped the sweat off my youngest brothers head.
Then I jumped up.
Mikey's eyes opened then cringed at the harsh lighting.
I quickly moved the lamp.
The other two rushed over.
'Sup dudes' he whispered hoarsely

I might start taking a bit longer between updates due to school and stuff.
Anyway, leave comments if you have any ideas about anything or if you just feel like leaving one.
Until next time!

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