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Mikey's POV
D finally let me sleep in my room.
My own personal space.
Huh, I always thought personal space was for dudes like Leo.
I lay on my unmade bed, staring at the mould fringed ceiling.
A yawn escaped my lips, putting pressure on my injure ribs.
I wasn't sure what time it was but I knew it was late, and I was tired.
Yet I couldn't go to sleep.
The nightmares, they were unbearable.
They seemed so...real.
I always ended up being betrayed by my bros.
And some part of me didn't find it unbelievable, after all they never wanted to save me in the first place right?
Pull it together Mikey, we've been over this. I told myself sternly. That video wasn't real.
But maybe....
No! It wasn't!
I couldn't bring myself to ask my bros about it. That would be embarrassing, right? They already think I'm stupid.

I covered my face with my hands.
Ugh, I feel terrible. Mentally, if that makes sense.
I risked a look at the clock.
2:47 am
2:48 am
2:49 am

Tick tick tick.

The noisy clock was the only thing keeping me in the present.
I let out a long painful sigh, my ribs screamed in protest.
Broken ribs are the worst.
Donnie couldn't do anything much to help me, other than put some plates in.
'Just don't jump around' was his advice.
Slowly my heavy eyelids got the better of me and I drifted into uneasy sleep.

I was on the edge of a deep chasm.
Actually it was more of a wide tunnel this dropped straight down.
Angry black rocks jutted out of the wall.
I was perched on a ledge, I didn't seem too fear the endless drop though.
A horrible sound reached my ears, the sound of metal on stone.

Shredder again no doubt.

But for once I wasn't afraid.
I had an escape.
The blackness was welcoming.
I was about to jump when I heard a cry of pain.
I spun around.
Shredder had his blade digging into Donnie's throat.
They were dangerously close to falling into the abyss.
I wasn't just going to leave D.
'Let him GO, Shredhead' I yelled.
'Yes well' Shredder said in mock consideration 'that would defeat the purpose of this hostage situation now wouldn't it'
'What do you want' I spat
'You mean what do WE want'
It was Donnie, but he was no longer a the tip of Shredders blade rather he was resting his elbow on our supposed enemies shoulder like they were pals or something.
'D?' I asked 'what are you doing?'
'And how is that any of your business? All I want is for you to go ahead and jump. Jump and die! That's all I want!' Donnie yelled
'We all do'
Three other familiar voices echoes around the cavern.
I spotted my other two bros standing on the other side of the drop and.....master Splinter?
No! I thought he......
'Jump! I never want to see you again!' Raph yelled
'Do it! I hate your guts!' Leo added
'You are no son of mine'
This last comment, though said the quietest, rang in my ears.
'Master Splinter!' I pleaded
He glared at me.
Then out of nowhere Shredder came behind me and I was shoved over the edge.
And in the split second before they vanished from view, I saw my family laughing.

I sat up to find myself shaking, a cry of terror bursting from my lungs.

Sorry for the late update!
I like to have a new chapter done each day seeing as they're so short.
Hopefully I'll update by tomorrow!

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