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Leo's POV
We gently picked up our little brother and rushed him back to the lair.
'My sons.....' Splinter came out of the dojo but fell silent at the sight of Mikey 'what has happened to him!?'
'We don't know sensei' taking it upon myself to answer our worried father's question while my brothers carried Mikey the rest of the way. I told sensei everything that had happened.
He listened in silence, as he stroked his goatee. It's did not make it any easier.
When I had finished, Splinter merely looked at me concerned then bid me follow him to the lab.
Mikey was laying on one of the benches in the middle of the room. Donnie was busy doing tests and x-rays while Raph had the job of cleaning up the copious amount of blood.
'Donatello what is wrong with him?' Splinter demanded
'Well just by looking at him you can tell he has an infection in his shoulder as well as his thigh. See how red and swollen they are. Definitely gun wounds, the bullets haven't even been removed. As far as my X-rays tell me he has 2 broken ribs, pressuring his lung'
Donnie replied, not easing the rat man's fear for his son.
'Don't forget Shredder dissected my leg dudes'
We all jumped at the sound of Mikey's weak voice 'someone missed the dissection lesson at school' he giggled but immediately clutches his chest in pain.
'Easy bro' Donnie whispered as Mikey passed out.
'What happened to him! Is he alright?' Raph asked urgently
'Calm down' Donnie scolded 'he's lost a lot of blood that's all, not that that's a good thing'
'What can we do Don' I asked
'Help me sew up his leg, it's a super deep cut and where most of his blood is lost'
Raph slapped a hand over his mouth, he looked like he was going to throw up.
'Anything else?' I said quickly, feeling not at all too comfortable myself.
'Well you could get the bottle of antibacterial liquid' Donnie suggested
'Ok' Raph said quickly and walked hurriedly away
'Leo' Donnie caught my attention 'you should go ask April to get some butterfly sutures and more bandages'
'Got it' I muttered as I raced out of the lab.
(If you wondering what butterfly sutures are there's a picture of what I mean at the bottom cause I cannot think of any way to explain it)

April's POV
Casey and I were studying/chatting at the park. We'd made a habit of doing so after school.
I was laughing when Leo landed lightly beside the dumpster a few metres away. He looked around to make sure the coast was clear then ran over to us, looking quite unsettled.
'Leo what's up' I asked a little concerned
'It's Mikey. We need your help....'

Happy Mother's Day to anyone who wants to be wished it!!
The next chapter should be done later today!

—————————————————————Happy Mother's Day to anyone who wants to be wished it!!The next chapter should be done later today!

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