Dat Bro Love

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Mikey's POV
My other two bros sprinted into the room and I seeing that a was awake tackled me in a hug.
I heard Donnie exclaim in alarm about 'injured enough already' and 'careful of the IV!'
'Mikey....' Leo began as he and Raph pulled away
'Yeah' I asked timidly
'Why were you hurting yourself?'
I took a deep breath, no point in secrets, I thought.
'Shredder showed me this video. And you said you didn't want to rescue me. And, well....was it real?' I blurted out
They stared, Leo was the first to understand.
'Do you mean that video of us in a cell saying nasty things about you?' He asked, realisation washed over my other two bros faces.
'Of course it wasn't real!' Donnie exclaimed
'I can't believe you think we'd say that!' Raph growled.
'Is that why you've been cutting' Leo asked
'I just...I thought you hated me. And cutting myself.....felt good' I muttered 'I calmed me down. It distracted me from my own thoughts. I felt like I was an unwanted burden, I heard you guys stressing about me awhile back...' a sob racked through my body.
I cringed, bracing myself for all the criticism, lectures and a hard whack on the head (curtesy of Raph), but it never came.
Instead I was hit with I group hug.
I struggled slightly but they weren't letting go any time soon.
'Um guys?' I spluttered 'you're kinda suffocating me!'
They drew back, now taking there place sitting on my bench/bed.
'Mikey, caring about you isn't a burden' Leo informed
'We love you Mikey, we always have and always will' Raph chimed in, tears evident in his green eyes.
'Awww Raph's showing emotions' I teased wiping my eyes
He didn't answer, just looked at his feet.
'Why didn't you tell us how you felt?' Leo inquired
'Well that could be related to his PTSD, it causes the patient to feel like they can't trust anyone. The desire participate in self harming activities is also a symptom' Donnie added 'so don't feel like something's wrong with you, Mikey'
'What's this PSP stuff all about anyway?' I asked 'I thought that was a super old gaming device'
'PTSD' Donnie corrected 'it stands for post traumatic stress disorder. It is the result of stressful situations, like when you were captured by Shredder'
I shuddered violently.
Leo must have noticed as the next thing I was being pulled towards his plastron. I didn't refuse.
'It's common in the first few weeks after the event' Donnie continued
'Mikey you've never told us exactly what happened while you were a prisoner of the Shredder' Leo pointed out.
I stiffened. It was true, I'm sure my wounds told a pretty good story but I'd never gone into detail.
'Don't feel like you have to but sometimes you need people who love you to help you deal with traumatic events' Leo said softly.
Baby blues met midnight. Leo's eyes were kind and I felt safe.
'O..ok' I took a rattled breath. So I saw some Kraang so I fought them. I won. Then I saw some Purple Dragons in a pizzeria so I barged in. I thought it was just the Purple Dragons but Tiger claw, fish face and Rahzar were in one of the back rooms. I tried to fight them but I was way too outnumbered. Tiger claw shot me in the should and the leg. I couldn't get away'
My voice cracked, I fell silent.
Leo rubbed my back and my other two bro moved in closer, like they were forming a protective shield between me and the outside world.
'I woke up in Shredders lair. He wanted to know where our lair was. I...I didn't tell. He tortured me, but you know what he did I guess' I said as I gestured to my scars, Leo's grip on me tightened 'he showed me that video. I thought you didn't want to save me' I continued 'I thought....you didn't love me'
I shuddered as another sob ran its course. Just the memory of the terrible experience was enough to break me down. I felt three sets of arms wrap around me as I cried.
After a few minutes of full on water works I calmed down a bit. I hiccuped, rubbing my tear stained face with the back of my hand.
'Mikey, we're so sorry that happened to you' Leo shuddered 'If we only got to you sooner...'
'It's alright dudes' I whispered.
'So how did you end up escaping?' Don asked
'What?!' Raph exclaimed
'Yeah, she gave me the key to my cell. Anyway then you know what happened, I found you guys'
'What made you so afraid to confide in us' Leo asked.
I remained silent for a bit. My reason seemed silly, but Leo was looking down at me expectantly.
'Well, I had these dreams' I paused, thinking about the disturbing images 'and, uh, you guys always ended up betraying me, and even.... killing me'
The silence was deafening.
'Mikey....' Leo began
'I didn't tell you because I had this feeling deep down that... maybe that's how you really felt'
Leo's rhythmic rubbing on my back had stopped.
'Why would you think that Mikey'
'I don't....I don't know' I admitted
'Well I hope you know it isn't true' Donnie murmured 'your a crucial part of this family'
'Thanks D' I sighed
My eyelids began to grow heavy as I drifted of to sleep in my brothers' arms

Ok so this book is coming to a close!
One chapter to go!

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