Knock knock

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Mikey's POV
'Not as long as you're wearing that dumb shirt!' He replied as he came out of his room
'I'm beginning to think you don't like my shirt!!'
'Wow how did you work that out?' He said sarcastically
'Fine I'm going anyway'
'Whatever' he said and retreated back into his den (room).
I walked to the lab to see if Donnie was free, I was about to step inside when Donnie appeared at the door.
'Wow dude how did you know I was coming?' I exclaimed
'Oh huh umm well....instinct?' He said looking guilty though I wasn't sure why
'Riiiiight, ok wanna go skateboarding?'
'Sorry I'm busy wiping the ice cream, I mean chemicals off my desk'
'Oh ok, next time then D'
'Ok yeah gotta go, there's something in the centrifuge' he said and turned his back to me.

Leo's POV
Sensei and I were meditating in the dojo when the door slid open. I opened one of my eyes I smidge and caught a glimpse of Mikey, who was only one step into the dojo. He must've just noticed sensei and I. He froze then started backing out as quickly and quietly as possible. Creeeaaak creak creeeeaaaak *door sliding closed sound*
I grinned to myself, wondering how he can be such a silent ninja sometimes while a clumsy fool the rest of the time.

Mikey's POV
OK I'll just go on my own. I sighed, I wish I could take ice cream kitty but they don't sell cat helmets in her size.


I was skating along the wet tunnel floor when I heard splashing. I skidded to a halt. What was that? I left my skateboard where it had stopped and crept after the sound.
Only 2 but still. They climbed out of the sewer and into an alley, I followed them for about two blocks then got bored and ambushed them.
I lashed out my chain, entangling them both and smashing them into a dumpster. The lid fell down with a sickening squelch on top of one of the brain-thingys that was trying to escape.
I stood there admiring my handy work when CRASH!!!
I look across the street to see the purple dragons robbing a pizzeria. OH NO THEY DIDNT! Punks! They're are SOOO gonna pay.
I slipped into the shop, creeping up behind a creep and kicking him across the counter. The other two looked up then grinned.
Wait...why are they smiling?
They should be shaking in their boots at the sight of super ninja Mikey.
'HEY!' One called and out of one of the back rooms came Rahzar, Tiger claw and Fish face.

'Oh boy' I muttered

I hope you're enjoying the book so far!!! This is my first one so don't judge me too harshly 😱

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