Hey April

352 13 2

Mikey's POV
Ok storming out of the lab? Not the smartest move.
I'd then gone and locked myself in my room.
Now I was readying my wrist for another cutting session.
Also not the smartest move.
I glanced a the clock
6:43 pm
The tip of the blade was just above my reddish swollen skin when:
'MIKEY!!! OPEN THIS DOOR!!!' Followed by a barrage of fists on the wood.
I swear, if I wasn't injured a would have jumped through the roof but instead I accidentally rammed my nunchucks blade into my wrist. I mean like really deep into my wrist.
I quickly slapped my hand on my mouth, stifling a yell of pure pain.
Blood ran down my wrist at an incredibly terrifying rate.
I felt sick, and that's saying something, I'm known for my iron gut.
I wasn't sure I could keep my voice steady.
My wrist feels like it's on fire!
'IM WARNING YOU MIKEY!' Raph yelled while pounding the door.
'My sons what on earth are you doing?'
My head shot up.
That was Splinter.
I was in for it now.
I couldn't make out what the muffled voices were saying.
Splinter obviously didn't like what he heard because the next thing I new he was ordering my to come out of my room within the next 10 seconds or he'd kick the door down.
'10, 9'
I yanked the blade out of my wrist, biting down on my tongue so as not to scream.
I'm not sure which hurt more.
I tried fruitlessly to wipe the tears out of my eyes.
'5, 4'
I hastily mopped up the blood, off both me and my desk.
I loosely flopped my wrappings back into my wrist.
I yanked the door open, but jumped back when I saw sensei preparing to kick.
'Michelangelo would you please show us your wrist?' He asked calmly, but I could tell he was freaked
'Uh the thing is...' I started, not daring to make eye contact.
'Yes?' Splinter encouraged
'Maybe come into my room' I suggested
My family looked confused but did as I asked.
When they had reached the other side of the room I dashed out, closing the door behind me.
I wrapped my kusarigama chain around the door handle of my room and the one opposite mine.
(Like that prank that people play, y'know where you can't open the door)
I ignored my brothers angry shouts and
limp-ran out of the lair.
The only escape I could think of was April's.
Oh well here goes nothing.

Leo's POV
The small room echoed with our angry yells
'I can't believe he locked us in his room!' I exclaimed when the yelling had subsided
'Yeah how does he think that will make things better for him!?' Raph chimed in.
'Guys! Look!' Donnie interrupted 'is this...no it can't be.'
'What Donnie!?'
The four of us gazed at the floor. It was stained a dark red and was sticky.
'So it is true' I concluded
'But this much blood? It's still fresh!' The genius turtle exclaimed
'Whadya mean Don?' Raph demanded
'He must be losing a lot of blood! He probably hit an artery!'
'Do you think he was trying to....' Raph began
'No, no I don't think that' Donnie muttered 'but either way we need to find him fast'
'Ok but how do we get out? Mikey kinda trapped us' I pointed out
'Like this'
Splinter kicked down the door.
'Well uh that works I guess'
'Go my sons, I will wait here incase he returns'
'Hai sensei' we said in unison

April's POV
I rubbed my forehead.
What?! Only 7 pm!?
I feel like I've been doing homework for hours.
I sighed and was about to get back to my accursed algebra when I heard a tapping on my balcony window.
I wonder what the guys want?
I walked over to the shutters and pulled them open.
'Hi Mikey! I thought you were still too injured to go on patrol. Where are the others?'
'Oh, uh yeah well about that' He said sheepishly rubbing the back of his head
'Come in' I offered
He stumbled into my room clutching his leg.
'Are you sure you're ok?'
'Y...yeah' he muttered leaning against the wall for support 'April why is the world spinning?'
'Mikey I think you should sit down' I grabbed his wrist but he pulled away, hissing with pain.
'Mikey what happened?' I demanded
'I...I can't r..remember' he stuttered then ran to the bathroom and I heard him throw up.
When he returned to my room he sank to the floor.
'Mikey! Tell me what wrong!'
'W...where am I?' He stammered
His eye lids began to droop, and he was out cold before I could say anything else.

Alright, finally!
Votes and comments appreciated :)

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