Death and back

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Mikey's POV
I was in a field of daisies, laying on my back.
I love daisies. They are always happy.
The sun was bright and warm.
I sighed.
I sat up as I shadow pasted over me.
I shivered and looked around.
The flowers around me began to wilt.
I stood up. I was in the centre of a ring of dead flowers.
I took a step forward and flowers died as I got closer. Nothing in a 5 metre radius could survive my presence.
I was toxic.
I tried again, stepping forward, causing the same result.
I panicked and ran, unable to reach the friendly flowers.
I fell to my knees, my legs unable to support my weight, my body seemed to want to fall apart.
It felt as though.....I was dying. Like the flowers.
I hugged myself in an attempt to stay whole.
I heard the clink of metal. I looked up to see Shredder looming over me. I gasped, eyes widening.
I tried to stand on my shaking legs, I tried to run but I fell to the ground. My form shuddered painfully.
'L...leave me alone!' I cried
Shredder laughed coldly. I wave of icy wind swept over the field. Every yellow face turned black.
I cried out. I felt my self slipping away from the dark field. I clung tighter to myself. Holding onto my body. Refusing to let go.
I looked into the eyes of the one standing over me. Shredder swiped at me. My body shuddered again as the blade passed through me like a cold wind.
My form wavered. I shed a tear as I blew away with the wind.

Donnie's POV
I turned around to continue treating Mikey's wounds, when I noticed he'd stopped breathing.
'No!' I cried 'no no no no'
Raph rushed into the lab 'What's up Don'
'Mikey's stopped breathing! He's had a cardiac arrest!' I said, panic stricken as I felt his skin. Still warm. We had a chance.
'Raph get the defibrillator!' I yelled
He brought it over and I placed the pads into my lifeless little brother and connected the wires.
His body flopped on the table. It was super disturbing. Tears were pouring out of my eyes.
'Donnie what are you waiting for! I didn't work! Do it again' Raph shouted
'No you have to wait two minutes' I muttered
The seconds ticked slowly by.
Third time lucky.

Mikey's POV
I felt my body stiffen.
Wait, I can feel my body!
I sat up with incredible speed.
I immediately regretted my sudden action as the pain jumped at its chance to torment me.
I cried out, and slumped onto the bench I had awoken on.
Donnie and Raph scurried to my side.
'Mikey!' Raph yelped 'You're alive! Thank goodness! I thought we'd lost you!'
'You scared me Mikey!' Donnie scolded affectionately.
I was still rattled by my dream. But I didn't want to talk about it 'What happened? Why do I feel like I just stuck a fork into an electrical socket?' I asked
Donnie frowned 'You we're legally dead for almost 6 minutes! How are you feeling?'
'Like an asteroid came down, hit me then decided to do it again' I groaned.
'But your alive now' Raph pointed out
'Really? I had no idea' I said in an attempt at sarcasm.
'Haha' he said rolling his eyes
'So I removed the bullets and stitched up your leg, Shredder really did a number on you, your lucky to be alive.....'
Before Donnie finished his sentence I started shaking violently tears started to stream down my face.
'Stop, please!' I shuddered.
I could see Shredder I front of me, running the blade down my leg.
'Not again! No no no!'

Donnie's POV
'Not again!' Mikey spluttered, his baby blue eyes wide, glazed yet full of pain and fear 'no no no please not again!'
'Mikey?!' Was shocked, my little bro was clearly distressed but nothing seemed to calm him down.
'Mikey, shhhhh you're ok now' I said wrapping my arms around the shaking figure. So did Raph. Mikey seemed to relax a bit. He blinked then looked up at me 'D..donnie don't let h..him get me again, not again' he pleaded

Leo's POV
I hurried April and Casey through the tunnels. They had gotten the supplies requested by Donnie as I was unable to just walk into the chemist in my mutated turtle body.
We reached lair and I told Casey to get Splinter then ran with April to the lab.
We burst into the room, but stopped suddenly at the sight before us:
Don and Raph were cradling Mikey who seemed to be having some sort of panic attack. He was struggling slightly and he looked scared.
Like really scared.
I walked over, not wanting to startle Mikey even more.
'Sh..shred..der' the orange masked turtle stuttered ' he's' then broke down into a fresh wave of painful sobs.
April watched on from behind as I tapped Donnie on the shoulder.
'What's up?' He whispered as he looked around.
'We got what you needed, what's up with Mikey?' I asked tentatively
'He's freaking out' Donnie pointed out the obvious as he let go of his trembling brother
'Raph I'm gonna give him an injection of Pentobarbital'
'Of what?' Raph asked and seemed to hold his little brother tighter
'It's just a sedative so I can continue treating him' Donnie explained as he pushed the needle into Mikey's arm. The orange masked turtles eyes widened them started to droop.
'This should only take a few minutes' Donnie remarked as Raph lowered Mikey back onto the bench.
Splinter entered the lab, Casey at his heels.
He looked at his youngest son.
I decided I should explain all I could (with the occasional interruption by Raph).

Ok I've literally been thinking about this book nonstop (even if I don't realise it)
I actual had a dream I was Mikey running away from Shredder in a mall.
Weird, right?
Anyway feel free to give me any ideas for future reads I may or may not write.

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