Chapter 5

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A week and a half has gone by of me sitting in this hospital. I haven't spoken to Leonardo either. He would try to give me updates, like baby number two will have a small operation for her eyes and their skin looks much better. He tried showing me pictures. I pretended not to be interested, but how the hell could I do that. They were my children so I would just grab the phone from him causing him to grin at me, which I frowned upon. They looked like they were in pain with a small mask and pipes searching for air.. The doctor decided to put them closer to each other, said it might make them stronger and it was best to start choosing names. So I decided to start speaking to Leonardo on the fifth day.

"So what names should we choose?" I asked clearly surprising him as he looks up from the paper he was reading.

He closes the paper smiles at me and places the paper onto his lap. "Well, I was thinking of Serenella.." When he said that my eyes went wide.

"Okay, speaking to you was a bad idea, clearly."

I never spoke to him again until now, until I got tired of snapchat and face time with Tally and visitors were only allowed one hour twice a day. He was most of the time here watching baby number one and two. Often coming to check up and see if I'm okay or if I need anything. I would just nod or shake my head. I was surprised to see Miguel coming to see him at the hospital, Miguel just nodded at me like I was a stranger as Leonardo met him at the door and left out of sight.

When Leonardo does come sit by me I would pretend to be so engrossed in my phone and as soon as he leaves I think of all the things I could've said to him.

"Do you know it's Wednesday today?" I say raising a brow and crossing my arms over my chest as I watch him on his laptop busy with 'work'.

"I only get flowers for my wife when she's speaking to me." He smirks still focused on his laptop.

"Did I perhaps use sign language just now?" sarcasm evident as I raise my shoulders in question. He huffs, closes the laptop to pack it away and walks to the door. "Where are you going?" I whine

He turns looking tired as ever. "To get you flowers." I roll my eyes with a sigh. "What do you want from me, Karalina? What? I am trying my best.."

"Clearly not hard enough" I say under my breath.

He narrows his eyes on me, then he walks into the room closing the door behind him. My eyebrows raise, dear God what did I do now. He saunters further into the room. "You know, I lost a child too. You not the only one moarning here. And the way you grieving is really focking selfish of you." Shocked at his thoughts I sit mouth agape. "We need to do this together and we both need time. I am really sorry for everything I put you through and this family. But I will do anything to make up for it and for something like this to never happen again." He says exhaustion in his whole aura. "I don't want to fight with you, I don't want you to fight with me. I need you to fight for us, like we always do. Since I asked you to at Roulettes on your bed when we first started our relationship. I need you to do this for us, baby. I am trying to right my wrong. I know it will never amount to what it's supposed to be. I focked up. Please." He says the last part like it was his last breath he took.

I extend my hand to grab his and pull him nearer to me. He stares into my eyes and leans in closer, wary I might push him away he looks at me as if asking for permission. I lean slightly forward and we kiss each others lips lightly for a brief moment. "I missed you" He says.

"I missed you" I whine. "Now go get my flowers." I pout. And just like that I was putty in his hands again.

It was around 8 when Leonardo woke me up with a doctor by his side. "What's going on?" I croaked out noticing how dim the room is and looking much different to the hospital room I was in earlier. Did they wheel my bed out of the room? Leonardo nods his head in the direction next to me. There my two small babies were in incubators, my heart melted on the spot. I was madly in love. They were so tiny and were real fighters as their lungs breathe in oxygen through the respirator. I never wanted to leave this spot.

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