Chapter 39

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"This bitch!" I yell at my phone.

"What happened?" Leonardo comes into view after going for his morning swim, it's the only exercise he gets seeing that he doesn't trust to leave me by myself for too long and out of his sight.

"Your mother."

"Hey, don't talk about my mama that way.." He warns me with a raised brow.

"She just answered the phone, said they fine Karalina in that half Spanish half Italian accent she's got going on. What is that anyway! And then she ended the call!" I yell crossing my arms over my chest with pouty lips and blowed up cheeks.

Leonardo chuckles. "They fine. I just checked on them."

"When? What did she say?" I ask impatiently.

Leonardo eyes me for a moment. "It's not quite what she said.."

"What do you mean?" I ask in confusion.

He checks his phone and types something into it, totally ignoring me.

"Hello?" I remind Leonardo I am still here infront of him, talking to him.

"Come here." He takes my hand in his and pulls me closer to his wet body, putting an arm around me he shows me the screen of his phone displaying Annabelle in the lounging area in Italy from a high angle bending over holding Sienna by her hands as she sits on the floor, but I'm shocked when Sienna pulls herself up and she starts taking small steps holding onto Annabelle's fingers for dear life. "Oh shit, you probably shouldn't see this." Leonardo tries to pull back the phone from my sight.

"No, no, no. I want to." I say placing my hands over my mouth watching Annabelle strengthen Siennas legs to walk. She's a fighter. "I'm so proud of her." I whisper more to myself and a tear falls down my cheek. "Where did they go? Move the camera." I yell when they now out of sight behind the couch on the other side. I can only see Annabelle's hair. "Rotate it."

"I can't." Leonardo says a bit nervous. "Just wait for them to come around."

"This is a piece of shit phone." I say agrivated.

Leonardo laughs at me. "calmare Karalina. Mio Dio, sempre così drammatico. (calm down Karalina. My God, always so dramatic.)

"Since when do you have this?" I ask thinking of all the times he knew things when he wasn't even around to witness it and I foolishly thought he was some God or he knows me so well. How gullible was I?

"Couple of years now." He shrugs as if I should be okay with this.

"Can you see the whole house?"

"Only certain rooms. I recently placed a camera in the bedroom in Italy before I went away."

"That's kind of creepy... Why?"

"To make sure you safe. You and the family, and to watch the guards and the workers. You can never be too careful." He says pointedly.

I nod in understanding. "Makes sense."

"And sometimes when I long to have you close by, I peek in on you and the kids, furtively." Leonardo says smiling at me and I stand on my toes to put my arms around his neck and place a hard kiss on his lips.

I pull away slowly. "See what I mean by creepy?" I narrow my eyes on his smiling face and he leans down again to kiss me and lifts me up by my ass causing my legs to wrap around his waist.

His phone rings in my hand causing him to groan in disappointment. I hand him the phone noticing an unfamiliar number. "Ciao." He says into the phone placing a kiss on my lips, his face twitches into a angry blank expression. I give him a solemn smile before he lays me on the couch and I watch him walk through the sliding door nearing the pool.

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