Chapter 45

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I stirred in my sleep and turned to my side as I heard the rain fall, for a minute I thought it was Leonardo in the shower, but I know he has already probably done that for the morning after he went for his morning jog.

Last night was crazy. I remember stepping and stumbling through the front door with Leonardo's lips on mine, his hands moving all over my body, until he ripped the lace dress off my body. We didn't make it past the hallways when we had our clothes off just a meter away from the front door and I was pressed high up against a wall. It was almost as if we were still dancing moving to the same rhythm of each other. Like we were one connected together.

There's that spark between us I just can't explain. Did I always feel this with the one I love, or was I meant to meet Leonardo? Was he the only one meant for me? Are we meant to be? Was it fait and written in the stars and all that bullshit? It sure feels like it. And I'm not ashamed to say I wouldn't have it any other way. I will always love him no matter what.

He scared me in the middle of the night when I woke up with him sweating and yelling in his sleep. He never had nightmares, well atleast none that I knew of. He kept yelling the word No repeatedly until I woke up and found him with beads of sweat tossing and turning.

I managed to wake him and when he discovered it was only a nightmare. He was relieved, but my heart bled for him when he held me so tight and made me promise to never leave him.

"Don't ever leave me, promise to stay with me forever. Promise me, Karalina." He practically begged over and over until I said the words he wanted to hear that immediately eased his panic.

I inhale and exhale deeply from my nose with a soft moan preparing myself for this day. Leonardo has meetings this morning. I need to go see the store and Enzo will be accompanying me for the day. I giggle at the thought of him working with me for the day.

Tomorrow we leave for South Africa..

I jolt in shock when I feel a tingle on the side of my arm running down to my elbow and I slowly turn my head over my shoulder to see who might be laying beside me rubbing their warm fingers up and down my arm.

"Aaahhh!!" I yelp in shock when there actually is someone laying beside me.

"What the fock? It's me." Leonardo's eyes go wide in shock at my surprised reaction.

"I didn't know it was you." I admit.

"Well, who else would it be?" He gives me a quizzical look.

"It's.. It's just you never here.. In bed. Like when I wake up. You never there. Are you okay?" I put my hand to his head to feel his temperature.

He chuckles lightly. "I'm fine, amor. I just wanted to look at you a bit longer for the day."

I move closer to his naked body. "I'm not going anywhere." I say softly.

"I know, just promise me one thing."

"Whats that?"

"You won't stay there. You'll come home with me." His eyes are pleading with a sad look and I suddenly wonder if his nightmare had anything to do with us going to South Africa.

"I promise." I give him a solemn smile.

"Good." He kisses my lips. "Now let's get ready for this day, we still have to pack. How long you want to stay for? Mama says she will stay here with the girls or she can take them to Italy."

"Oh, I was thinking they could come with us."

Leonardo pulls his brows together. "Maybe not right now, maybe the next trip. Or your family could visit you or us or whatever... Now that sounds better." He states firmly with a smirk.

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