Chapter 26

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"Where have you been?" I ask Leonardo crossing my arms as he enters the house, he looks almost surprised at my question.

"Work?" He says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Really? Because I called the restaurant and they said you left right after I left!!" I yell at him.

He takes slow movements towards me letting out a sigh. "Baby, you could've called my cell."

"I did!"

"You did?" He asks as he reaches me.

I get the whiff of his cologne mixed with alcohol. "Have you been drinking?" I ask in disbelief.

"N-, hardly."

"What? With your medication? Are you out of your mind!?"

"Okay, stop yelling. The kids are awake and I'm on time, ready for dinner."

"You said you would be home two hours later before I left. That was ages ago, or did you have to meet up with your gold digging whore?"

"Hey! Don't ever say that." He points a finger glaring at me.

"Say what!? Call her a gold digging whore?"

"No, I don't care about the gold digging whore. What I don't like is when you accuse me of shit I didn't do!"

I am too angry to even reply or have any kind of conversation with him about this or more like a screaming match. First it was the crutch he refused to use and strained himself to strengthen his legs as if his immortal, and now it's this alcohol he can't stay away from. I don't even want to touch on a month ago when he got me all wound up and heated in the bedroom.. But his body wasn't responding. Knowing Leonardo he was embarrassed to say the least, feeling weak and less of a man as he often said in this time of healing.

Doctor said it was normal and he should allow his body to rest and take it slow. He was not interested in hearing that at all and never tried to even start something sexual with me.. Obviously we don't touch on the subject, I think it's too sensitive at the moment.

"I'm sorry, I had a shit day and the last thing I want right now is to fight with you." He says as his features soften.

"I know, I saw what Angelo's mother did." I say standing on my tippy toes encircling his neck with my arms.

He places his hands on my lower back, his fingers gently brushing my ass. "You saw that? How long were there?"

"I wanted to see if you would give Mona the money." I confess looking to his chest. "So I peeped in the restaurant and I left as soon as Maria did. And then I offered her a job." I say smiling up at a smirking Leonardo.

"A job huh?"

"Yes, she's my new manager. And Angelo is our new Internet technician, or he was rehired I guess. Two birds, one stone." I say pleased with myself.

Leonardo looks down at me smiling. "I'm so lucky to have you, do you know that?"

"Oh I know." I say batting my lashes.

"How did you get that right?"

"Motherhood does things to you. I have the charm, made her see it my way. She was mean in the beginning of her rant, but I brought her home, had a little meeting. She saw the kids and they melted her heart."

"Wow. You good." He nods his head impressed with me.

I smirk up at him. "She's still not really a fan of yours, but let's take it one step at a time." I pat his chest.

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