Chapter 21

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Padding into the bedroom this morning with a tray in hand for Leonardo consisting of breakfast and his medication. Later, it would be a non alcoholic beverage with some kind of pastry or treat. Then two hours after that I would waltz through the door again, tray in hand with an amazing lunch, made by his mother, which he loves and I happily pass him his medication and water. Dinner would also always be delivered by me on a tray with his medication. Where he chuffs how great his mother's food is and how I should learn her recipes, and how he misses it so much. This is all I have done for him over the past month. Deliver his food I didn't prepare, make sure he takes his meds which has no problems and listen to him discussing work over the phone.

I still haven't been able to see or at least make any contact with my son. I have however found lots of pictures and videos on his father's Facebook. I feel the closure I was looking for when I see these pictures, but it's not enough. We were a happy family or so we seemed on these pictures. I can't really say for sure. But I know I was loved when I found my own Facebook. Hundreds of likes and plenty friends commenting on every post. I tried to reach out to Karalina though, but no luck. She wants to disappear again, away from her father it seems. We will figure a way out of this soon enough.

"Morning." I sing out.

"Hey beautiful." Leonardo says smiling broadly as he places his laptop aside on the bed next to him. You would think he'd be miserable just sitting in bed without having to get up when he wants to, or jog around the neighborhood and get up at 4am like he normally does, I find it weird how happy he seems. But obviously due to the circumstances, it's not like he has a choice.

"Ti ho portato la colazione" I say cheery like I don't do this all day, everyday for him. Like it's some surprise.
(I brought you breakfast.)

"Aah, Grazie. I'd rather prefer you, you know." He says mischievously.

"Stop. You know that's not happening anytime soon."

"Oh come on." He nags like a teenage boy. "You don't even sleep next to me at night."

"Because I could hurt you."

"Maybe I want you to hurt me." He gives me a devilish grin causing me to laugh at his foolishness.

"No. You need to heal."

"It just a fo.." He stops himself. "It's a graze."

I place the tray over his lap which has stands on both sides of his legs to be steady on the bed. I look at him warily "What was that?"

"What?" He shrugs.

"Did you just stop yourself from saying fock?"


"Why? It's okay to cuss. You have so much frustration. We cuss all the time." I smile at him.

He shrugs uncomfortably. "Im trying to be better. I'm trying to be better for you."

This causes a smile to spread across my face. "Well that explains your perfectly good mood with me. No matter how much I keep rambling on and on..."

"Mmmm especially that time you told me about all the curtains we had in this house." He chuckles and my mouth goes agape. "Or when you thought you could possibly be pregnant, because you were a week late and I should keep this secret to myself so we don't jinx it."

"Oh my God, you heard that?" My eyes are wide in horror.

"It's not like you kept its a secret." He eyes me up and down. "Do you want more kids?" Leonardo's face seems soft as he asks this.

"I don't think so. We already have.. Four. Together."

He looks at me as if taking in the fourth child and he nods with a small smile etching his face making me feel a bit relieved. "This is true. But they say five is a lucky number for kids. Then we can be seven in the family and most importantly in the house."

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