How you two meet (OP)

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~ When he decided to visit a small planet called Earth you were the first human he saw

~ You were a little scared of him, but after he introduced himself you couldn't help but be curious about him

~ He was curious about you too, but didn't want to seem rude



~ He had to go to Earth when he needed some things

~ When you met him you thought that he was some kind of elf

~ He told you that he was Altean and you both talked for a few hours before you helped him get what he needed



~ He was flying over Earth in his lion when he decided to go check Earth out

~ You just so happened to be nearby the place that he landed

~ As soon as you saw his lion you went to check it out

~ You were so excited when you realized that he was an alien



~ He had somehow heard about the food on Earth and decided to check it out

~ He had to be careful not to be seen by any humans

~ Somehow you stumbled across his lion and met him

~ After he told you what he was and why he was on Earth you happily helped him do what he came to Earth to do



~ She had heard about Earth and decided to check it out

~ After a few days you found her lion and were shocked that an alien wanted to check Earth out

~ You tried your best to answer any questions about Earth that she asked you

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