Breakup (OP)

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~ After a couple of months of him being on Earth you noticed that he started acting different

~ One day you found out that he wanted to conquer Earth

~ When you confronted him about it he told you his plan on taking over the Earth

~ You yelled at him before you went home in a bad mood



~ Each time he talked about Melenor you started to get jealous

~ One day however he told you that he thought that he was in love with her

~ You told him that if he loved her then he should tell her before you carefully broke up with him

~ You tried to be happy for him, even though your heart was breaking



~ One day while you both were talking about your past love interests he started telling you about a sexy Galra servant that he had met

~ You couldn't help but feel jealous about this Galra servant

~ You told him that if he was so interested in this Galra servant then he shouldn't be dating you

~ As you stormed off he realized what he had done



~ After he had been on Earth for a while he wanted to go home

~ He told you about wanting to go home and you knew that you couldn't hold him back

~ You tried your best not to cry as you broke up with him

~ But once you were in your bedroom later on that evening you cried yourself to sleep



~ You both argue from time to time, but nothing bad enough for a breakup

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