How they feel after the breakup (NP)

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~ After you yelled at him he felt extremely guilty of what he did

~ That night he didn't sleep because of how guilty he felt

~ He promised to make up with you as soon as he could



~ He felt bad for breaking up with you and breaking your heart

~ He realized how bad he needed you back and he wanted to get you back



~ You both didn't break up



~ For once in his life he felt bad for flirting with someone

~ He decided to apologize to you as soon as he could



~ She felt bad for breaking up with you, but she knew that it was just her hormones that were messing with her emotions

~ She planned on making up with you and getting you back



~ By the next day she realized what she did and she felt bad

~ She didn't mean to break up with you, it just kind of happened

~ She made it her goal to make up with you

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