When you ask them out on a date (OP)

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~ He had been on Earth for about a month and you had noticed that he was acting a little strange. Especially when he blushed while you were with him

~ When you started finding expensive looking gifts in your home you knew that something was up

~ One evening you brought him a gift and gave it to him. And as usual, he started blushing

~ When you asked him out on a date he was confused at what that was, so you had to explain it to him

~ After you were done telling him about what a date was he stuttered and said yes



~ You both had known each other for a while, so one night you decided to ask him out

~ While you both were hanging out you casually brought it up

~ He knew what a date was and he was more than happy to go on one with you



~ One day while you both were out swimming in the ocean you asked him out on a date

~ He knew very little about human courting methods, so he didn't know what a date was

~ After you explained it to him he agreed to try it



~ One day while you both were watching a cooking show he asked you about the episode since it had to do something with dates

~ You told him what a date was and you saw him blush

~ When you asked him if he would like to try going on a date with you he happily said yes



~ One day she asked you how humans courted each other

~ You, being the clever girl you are, knew that she was attracted to you and you told her that you'd show her

~ She could hardly wait to go out on a date with you

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