When you see them naked for the first time (NP)

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~ One day when you were looking for him you decided to go look in his room

~ When you walked in you saw him doing pushups while he was completely naked

~ You apologized to him as you quickly left his room with a huge blush on your face

~ You couldn't believe that you just saw him naked, but at least you knew that he was well endowed



~ You and him were having a heated make out session when clothes started coming off

~ When he was wearing nothing but his boxers you realized what was happening

~ Since you weren't ready to go 'all the way' yet you pulled away and got off of his bed

~ When he asked you what was wrong you told him you weren't ready to 'do it' just yet

~ He nodded and respected your decision, so you both got redressed



~ You haven't seen him naked yet, but you sure try



~ One day when you went looking for him because of a team bonding exercise you went to look and see if he was in his room

~ He was there alright, but he was doing a *ahem* certain activity on his bed

~ Your face was fire truck red when you walked into his room and saw what he was doing

~ Naturally, he invited you to join him. But you declined

~ You told him that he was needed in the training room before you hurried out of his room

~ Let's just say that things between the two of you were very awkward for the rest of the week



~ One afternoon when you walked into her room to hang out you saw that she was wearing nothing but a bra and panties

~ You blushed heavily as you apologized to her and left

~ Neither of you said anything to each other for the rest of the day



~ When you walked into her room one evening you were not expecting to see her completely naked

~ You covered your eyes as she turned around and saw you

~ You apologized to her as she quickly got dressed

~ You at least now knew that Alteans had markings all over their bodies

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