When they see you naked for the first time (NP)

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~ One day while you thought that everyone else was out on a mission you took a shower in the main bathroom and didn't lock the door

~ When Shiro walked into the bathroom and heard the shower going he thought that someone left it on since he didn't see your clothes

~ When he went to go turn off the shower he blushed heavily when he saw that you were naked

~ You screamed loudly and he ran out of the bathroom

~ Afterwards, he kept apologizing to you for an entire week



~ One day while you were getting dressed in the main bathroom he walked in, thinking that it was empty

~ You screamed and he apologized as he left

~ For the rest of the day neither of you could look at each other without blushing

~ He couldn't get the image of you being shirtless and braless out of his head



~ One day while he was looking for you he walked into your room, thinking that you were taking a nap

~ He was right, but he didn't expect you to be taking a nap in just your bra and panties

~ He tiptoed out of your room with a huge blush covering his face

~ He never told anyone that he accidentally saw you in just your underwear



~ One morning when you didn't show up for breakfast he volunteered to go wake you up

~ Since you never locked your door he went right in and saw you still sleeping

~ When he went to go pull your blanket off of you he expected you to be wearing pajamas. Unfortunately you weren't

~ You sat up and screamed when you felt someone grab your blanket and pull on it until you were exposed

~ He ran out of your room when you looked at him and screamed

~ For the rest of the day he couldn't get the image of you being naked out of his head



~ One evening while you were changing into your pajamas she walked into your room

~ She stopped and looked at you, realizing that you were naked

~ You both just stared at each other for a few minutes before she mumbled an apology and walked out

~ You had a huge blush on your face as you processed what had just happened



~ One day while you were doing naked yoga in your room you didn't know that anyone was looking for you

~ When your door opened and she walked in you fell onto the floor and tried covering yourself with your yoga mat

~ She blushed as she apologized before she turned around and left your room

~ For the rest of the day everyone wondered why you both blushed every time you looked at each other

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