They propose (NP)

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By now you and Pidge have been together for long enough to get married



~ One evening while you both were eating dinner at a five star restaurant he suddenly got down on one knee and pulled a small box out of his pocket

~ You were silent as he opened the box and revealed an engagement ring

~ You wanted to cry in happiness as he proposed to you

~ When you said yes and he slid the ring onto your ring finger everyone in the restaurant applauded 

~ Afterwards he stood up and kissed you



~ One day while you both were sitting on the porch of your house he pulled something out of his pocket and turned to you

~ When you saw that it was an engagement ring he told you that it was the ring his father wanted to give his mother if she ever came back to Earth

~ He then proposed to you, even though he stuttered a bit

~ When you said yes he slid the ring onto your ring finger



~ One night while you both were eating dessert you noticed something sticking up in yours

~ When you pulled it out and saw that it was an engagement ring he started proposing to you 

~ When he asked if you wanted to be his wife you happily said yes and he put the ring on your ring finger

~ You both immediately started discussing wedding plans



~ One day while you both were out at the beach you noticed something sticking out of the top of your sandcastle

~ You were extremely surprised when you pulled it out and saw that it was an engagement ring

~ You knew what was going on when he started proposing to you

~ When you said yes he put the ring on your ring finger and kissed you



~ One day while you both were taking a walk in the nearly empty park she got down on one knee and proposed to you

~ You naturally said yes and she put the engagement ring on your ring finger

~ After she stood up you got down on one knee and proposed to her

~ She was surprised, but said yes

~ After you put the ring on her ring finger you stood up and kissed her



~ One evening while you both were out on a date You pulled an engagement ring and held it up 

~ She smiled as you proposed to her

~ After she said yes and you put the ring on her ring finger she got an engagement ring out of her pocket and proposed to you

~ You nearly cried as you said yes and she put the ring on your ring finger

~ Neither of you could wait to get married

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