They propose (OP)

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~ Since he wasn't too familiar with human marriage customs he just did what he knew to do in order to propose to you

~ One evening when he gave you a dagger you were extremely confused and asked him why he gave you a dagger

~ He told you that a dagger was given as the last courting gift and if you accepted it you both would be getting married

~ You accepted the dagger before you told him how humans proposed

~ He promised you that he would eventually get an engagement ring for you



~ One afternoon he asked you to go out for a walk in the Castle garden with him

~ You knew that something was up, but decided not to say anything about it 

~ After a while you both stopped and he got on one knee in front of you

~ You nearly cried as he proposed to you and held out a beautiful engagement ring

~ After he slid the ring on your ring finger he stood up and kissed you



~ One morning while you both were eating breakfast in bed you noticed something shiny poking out of your food

~ When you picked it up you gasped when you saw that it was an engagement ring

~ He smirked at you as he asked you to marry him

~ You had a huge smile on your face as you said yes



~ One day while you both were sitting outside, enjoying the sun he turned to you and held out a ring

~ Your eyes widened when you realized that he was proposing to you

~ When he was finished you said yes and he slid the ring onto your ring finger

~ You then straddled him and passionately kissed him



~ One evening while you both were walking in the forest near her palace you both stopped to rest and she knelt in front of you

~ She pulled out a beautiful engagement ring out of one of her pockets and started proposing to you

~ You happily said yes and she slid the ring onto your ring finger

~ Afterwards, you both went home and cuddled in bed

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