First date (NP)

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~ When the Castle was passing by a planet where the Paladins would be going you both snuck off after landing

~ Eventually you both just ended up walking through the forest while you talked

~ By evening time you both watched the sunset before heading back



~ You both decided to just watch a few movies in the lounge



~ When you both were at the space mall you went with him to the food court

~ Just like him, you tasted the food without knowing you had to pay

~ When you both got chained in Sal's kitchen you tried to escape

~ Let's just say after the events at the space mall you didn't want to go back



~ Ever since he and Keith found the pool in the Castle he asked Allura how it worked

~ For your date with him you both went to the pool

~ You were happy that you and him could have the pool to yourselves

~ You both had a lot of fun swimming and splashing each other



~ You both just spent the evening playing the video game she and Lance bought at the space mall since she had built a power source



~ She decided to take you out for a flight in her lion

~ You both stopped by a planet with a beautiful forest

~ Since you had packed a picnic lunch you both found a good spot to eat

~ After you both ate lunch you continued on walking

~ When the sun was setting you both sat on top of her lion's head and watched it

Paladins Dating PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now