What you do when they get hurt (OP)

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~ He doesn't get hurt very often

~ If/when he does get hurt it's usually just a minor injury that you put Neosporin and a bandaid on



~ He surprisingly gets hurt more than you would expect

~ He gets a lot of cuts and scrapes, so you always have to keep a lot of Neosporin and bandaids around

~ If he does get something worse and you have to take him to the doctor he can change his appearance to blend in better



~ He doesn't get hurt too often, so when he does get hurt he'll try and treat it himself

~ Sometimes you have to help him put a bandaid on since they're so sticky

~ He prefers the bandaids with fish on them



~ He rarely ever gets hurt since his skin is a little thicker

~ However, he will occasionally accidentally burn himself if he touches something hot like a pan or something when cooking/baking

~ Thankfully you keep plenty of Neosporin and bandaids in your bathroom



~ When she gets hurt you try and treat her injuries yourself

~ Thankfully she hasn't gotten any major injuries

~ When she does get hurt you put a bandaid on it

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