When you accidentally hit their no no section (NP)

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~ One night while you both were watching a movie together you were resting your feet on his lap as you started to fall asleep

~ When you went to stretch your legs a little one of your heels hit his 'baby maker' 

~ You looked at him in confusion as he tried not to scream

~ You asked him what was wrong and all he could do was point at your feet on his lap

~ You immediately got the message, moved your feet and started apologizing to him



~ One day while he was teaching you how to spar you were starting to get a little sweaty

~ When you accidentally slipped your left foot hit his 'bits' 

~ He immediately fell down and held onto his 'bits' while making a high pitched squealing sound 

~ You apologized to him and went to get an ice pack for him



~ One day while you both decided to try 1940s dancing

~ Everything was going great until he swung you out and you lost your footing

~ As he swung you back in you accidentally kneed him in his 'nuts' 

~ As he let go of your hand he fell to the floor and whined

~ You ran to the kitchen as fast as you could so that you could get an ice pack

~ When you got back to him you handed him the ice pack and started apologizing to him



~ One night when he passed your room he could hear you moaning

~ He thought that something was wrong, and since your door was unlocked he walked in

~ When he saw you moving around under your blanket he joined you on the bed and realized that you were having a nightmare

~ As he tried to wake you up you accidentally kicked him where the sun doesn't shine

~ When you heard a loud groan of pain and a thump you woke up and saw him lying in the fetal position on the floor while holding his 'little sharpshooter' and making a high pitched whining noise

~ You apologized to him and he promised you that he would never disturb your sleep again



~ You haven't kicked her in the crotch, but there was one incident where you hit her boobs

~ One day while she was showing you how to hold her Bayard

~ What you didn't expect was for you to be able to actually use it

~ When it went off you were sent flying backwards and your head accidentally collided with her breasts

~ You apologized once you both recovered. Although her breasts were quite sore afterwards



~ She always seems prevent this situation from happening

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