When you get your period (OP)

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~ At first, when he found out about your period he thought you were dying because he could smell the blood

~ After some explaining he was shocked that you weren't going to die from a week of bleeding out of your 'area' 

~ If you have cramps, he will cuddle with you and try to make you feel better

~ If you're in a bad mood, he'll give you some time to chill

~ And if you're sad, he'll cuddle you some more

~ If your periods are heavy he worries about you even more. But if they're not bad he'll relax a little

~ He's learned to fear your mood swings and respect human women more



~ When you tell him that you're on your period he asks you all kinds of questions

~ You, of course, have to tell him why you're bleeding and where you're bleeding from

~ He'll do his best to help you in any way that he can, even if it means spending an afternoon binge watching your favorite tv show/animated series while cuddling with you

~ If your periods are bad, he'll try to use his Altean magic to help you feel better

~ You're surprised and thankful when you find out that he can make your cramps go away (if you have them) 



~ When you tell him that you're on your period he's extremely confused

~ After an awkward talk he's horrified once you tell him what a period is and why you're having it

~ Instead, he cuddles with you while watching your favorite sappy movies

~ He's a little scared of you if/when you're having mood swings 

~ If you're crying, he'll let you cry on him while he softly whispers comforting things to you

~ If you have cramps, he'll cuddle with you on your bed



~ Oddly enough, the women of his species goes through almost the same thing

~ He knows about cramps, mood swings and cravings

~ He makes sure to make some comfort foods for when you get your period

~ He's good at cuddling with you and he'll do anything he can to help you feel better

~ If your periods are heavy, he'll make sure that you have everything you need

~ If your periods aren't that bad he'll relax a little

~ He knows that when you're mad because of your mood swings he needs to give you some time to cool down

~ If you're crying he'll listen to what you have to say while you're crying on him



~ When she first finds out about your period she asks you if you're okay

~ You cry, but tell her what a period is and why you're having it

~ She somewhat understands what having cramps is like

~ She makes sure that she's there for you, unless you're mad

~ She loves watching sappy movies with you while cuddling and eating comfort foods

~ If your periods are bad she tries to find something to at least help with the pain that acts quicker than aspirin

~ But if your periods aren't that bad then she'll just let you go through whatever it is you go through

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