How they ask you to be their girlfriend (NP)

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~ After a month or so of dating he thought that it was time for you to become space mom. I mean his girlfriend

~ One day he gave you a formal dress and shoes before he asked you out on another date

~ After you had gotten ready and went to the dining room you saw why he wanted you to dress up

~ He had set up a candlelit dinner with soft music and everything

~ During dinner he asked you if you wanted to be his girlfriend. You couldn't say no to him



~ One evening while you both were alone he awkwardly asked you to be his girlfriend

~ You couldn't help but say yes 



~ One day he baked you your favorite cookies/cupcakes when he wanted to ask you to be his girlfriend

~ When you walked into the kitchen and smelled your favorite cookies/cupcakes you asked him what the special occasion was

~ He asked you to be his girlfriend as he gave you a plate with the cookies/cupcakes on it

~ After you ate one of the cookies/cupcakes you instantly said yes



~ It all started when he was using some of his cheesiest pick up lines

~ Each time you blushed and giggled it made his heart soar

~ When he asked you to be his girlfriend he was serious

~ You stopped giggling, hugged him and said yes



~ One day while you both were flying in her lion she casually asked you to be her girlfriend

~ You weren't surprised that she asked you, and you said yes



~ One day while you and her were walking in a meadow on a planet you both stopped to make flower crowns

~ When she put the flower crown she made on your head she asked you if she could court you

~ You smiled at her and said yes. Then you put the flower crown you made on her head

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