When you get your period (NP)

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~ He knows what a period is, but he's not sure how to act around you when you have yours

~ He will try to get whatever food you're craving

~ If he has to go get pads/tampons he's extremely confused and doesn't know what kind to get you

~ He knows to leave you alone if you're angry. But if you're sad he'll let you cry on him

~ He has no problem watching sappy movies with you while cuddling

~ If your periods are bad he'll cuddle with you even more

~ If they aren't bad then he'll relax a little

~ He hates seeing you in pain if/when you have cramps



~ Just like Shiro, this boy is awkward around you while you're on your period

~ He's never had a sister and his mom doesn't get periods, so you had to explain everything to him

~ If you're mad, he'll take you to the training room so that you can beat the hell out of a punching bag

~ If you're in pain he'll get you some aspirin

~ If you're crying then he'll let you tightly hug him until you stop

~ Since he's half Galra, he can smell the blood that's coming out of you

~ He gets a little uncomfortable when you make him watch sappy movies with you. But secretly, he likes it



~ He knows what a period is and will get everything ready for when you get yours

~ If you have cravings, he'll make whatever you want. If you're crying he'll give you the warmest hug ever. And if you're mad about something he'll listen to you

~ He isn't afraid to go out to get pads/tampons for you if you need him to

~ If you want to cuddle with him while binge watching your favorite shows he's perfectly okay with it

~ If your periods are bad he'll help you in any way he can

~ But if your periods aren't bad, he's happy that you're not suffering



~ He has sisters, so he knows very well what a period is

~ He has no fear of going out in public to get pads/tampons for you. TBH it wouldn't surprise you if he had a pad/tampon in one of his pockets, just in case

~ He will treat you to a homemade spa if you want

~ If you're crying he'll let you cry on him

~ But if you're mad he'll give you some time to calm down

~ He absolutely loves cuddling with you while binge watching your favorite shows

~ If your periods are bad then he does his best to help you feel better



~ You both usually go through your periods together

~ After you both 'broke up' you learned to give each other some space if you're in bad moods

~ You both have plenty of pads/tampons, so you're not worried

~ You both love staying in your pajamas while cuddling and binge watching your favorite shows while you're on your periods



~ She isn't quite sure what a period is until you tell her

~ She once tried to put you in a healing pod until you told her that you had to have your period

~ Every month she refuses to go out on any missions so that she can stay with you

~ Even though she doesn't get a period she tries her best to help you through yours

~ She will get you anything you need whether it be pads/tampons or a food you're craving

~ If you have cramps then she figures out a way to make them go away

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