How they ask you to be their girlfriend (OP)

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~ You both had technically started exclusively dating when you started accepting the gifts he had been giving you



~ After a while of him being on Earth he decided to ask you if he could court you

~ He asked you one evening while you were having dinner with you. He even picked a bouquet of flowers

~ When he asked you while handed you the flowers and he was on one knee you blushed and happily said yes



~ He had somehow learned what becoming a couple was and he wanted to try it with you

~ So one evening while you both were watching the sunset together he turned to you and asked if you wanted to be his girlfriend. He even gave you 'the puppy dog eyes'

~ You couldn't help but say yes after seeing the look he gave you



~ Since he knew what dating was in human culture he wanted to ask you to be his girlfriend

~ He wrote a poem and picked flowers for you

~ One evening while you both were eating dinner together he recited the poem and gave you the flowers

~ You thought that it was very sweet of him to write a poem for you and pick flowers for you, even though the flowers were dandelions. You couldn't help but say yes



~ After you had explained what dating was to her she wanted you to be her girlfriend

~ One morning while she was eating breakfast with you she casually asked you if you wanted to be her girlfriend

~ You nearly choked on your food, but you said yes

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