Going Out

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//this takes place in the present day, weeks after the Bendy situation. The Afton kids have planned a day when they can go out for sibling time. However, great intentions rise when they run into Micheal's once old friends but now old enemies and they have had enough//.

I don't know if doing this is a good idea Chris, Fredplush told him but Chris said, "we'll be fine Fredplush, it will be our first night out together, with just us and no dad to kill us. Besides, it's been weeks since dad first attacked us and he hasn't showed up since." I don't know, it's not just your dad I'm worried about, I sense that some other presence will come after you and give you guys hell, Fredplush warned but then Chris just pet his head. "Now Fredplush, I know us experience the studio burning down was very frightening, but it will all be fine, we will come back here with no scratches or marks of any kind," he told him but Fredplush just rolled his eyes as Chris walked out the door. Don't look at me like that Lifeless Plushies, Fredplush said to the Bendy, Boris, and Alice plushies Chris still had from the studio.

"You guys are going out?" Lindee asked Elizabeth and she answered, "yeah, it's actually going to be our first time where we can finally have some sibling time without any problems and no grown ups to ruin it." Both girls laugh at that then Elizabeth asked, "so Lindee, how come you live with your uncle? Do you have parents?" Lindee paused at that question and then she spoke lightly, "well, that's kind of a personal question, but I'll tell you because you are my friend and you keep secrets well." Elizabeth sits back to listen to her story. "It all started when my uncle Joey was our age and my dad was your brother Micheal's age. They didn't have nice parents, but when my grandpa cut Uncle Joey's ear, my dad had to get him out. So, they ran away til the cops got them, they saw they were being abused and they arrested my grandpa. Grandmother had already been in jail because she was starving them, so they had to live with their aunt and uncle but they didn't pay any attention to them, so their whole lives they had to watch out for each other and they became 'partners in crime.' Why I live with my uncle instead of my parents well when my mom and dad had me, my mom died from giving birth to me and my dad died of brain cancer I think, or was it brain damage? I don't know, either one, he died when I was 4, so Uncle Joey chose to take care of me and that's why I only have Uncle Joey." "Well, I don't remember what happened to my real mom, Micheal was what we call 'a Momma's boy' but he tells me she left us and never came back when he was my younger brother Chris' age, my real daddy says the same thing," Elizabeth tells her and Lindee laughed at the Momma's boy part, "I'm sorry, he's a what?" "A momma's boy, I know it's silly but at least he remembers, I think," Elizabeth said and then they both stayed silent.

"Lindee!" They heard a voice call for Lindee, Elizabeth already recognized that voice as Joey's voice. "Oh, it's my Uncle Joey, well, hope you have a good time tonight," Lindee waved goodbye and then ran into her house. Elizabeth waved her new friend back, "bye." How they became friends? Well, ever since Joey moved into the neighborhood with his niece, she had no friends and Bendy told her it would be nice if somebody her age could try to talk to her at least, while he was looking at Elizabeth of course. At first, she thought she was weird or just like her uncle whom she kinda hated but barely does anymore. When she first started talking to her, they already started to like each other. The more she hung around Lindee, the more she reminds her of Charlie, her dead cousin who was her best friend. I'll make sure daddy doesn't kill her the same way he killed Charlie, Elizabeth thought as she walked back home, feeling very protective over Lindee.

It was the evening when Micheal was in the middle of a nap. Chris and Elizabeth checked the clock, it was 5 pm, the exact time Micheal said they would start. "Let's go wake him up," Elizabeth said and then they both ran down stairs to the living room where Micheal lay on the couch. "Micheal! Come on big bro!" Elizabeth got up on the couch and started jumping on it, trying to wake her lazy brother up. Chris joins in, "Micheal! Micheal! Get up!" He grabbed his arm to try to pull him off the couch but he lost grip and fell backwards. Elizabeth head bumped Micheal then he woke up rubbing his head, "ow." "You promised," Elizabeth said while Micheal looked at them with a tired look, "what time is it?" "Time to go," Elizabeth said but then Chris answered correctly, "5 o' clock pm." Michael got up saying, "alright guys, let's go then." "Yeah!" They both cheered, Michael put his shoes on. "Scott! We're heading out," Micheal called from upstairs, "ok, have fun and don't hurt yourselves," Scott said from upstairs and then the Afton kids were off.

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