Mother's secrets revealed part 2 and Meet Muffet

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//in case you guys are confused about the diary, Emily aka Chris' mom when she was young, this is from her point of view that she just wrote days at a time, since this is a diary, she only put important stuff down like she had enough with killing any more monsters but Chris doesn't get to find out who killed Jeremiah on time. Meanwhile, Frisk meets back up with Chris and they continue where they will meet Muffet again//.

The next day, after they killed almost all the monsters, Jeremiah died and Emily became very sad, so sad that with his soul, she met up with Asgore who seemed to have pity for her. "I'm so sorry about your brother, Emily, if you would like, I'll let you through in trade for your brother's soul, I'll take very good care of him for you," Asgore offered her, this time she didn't fight, she just said, "yes sir, just do what you must to take care of his soul, I just wanna go home, I just wanna get out of here." "Emily, what about me?" Flowey asked but she just ignored him, "Emily! You promised you'd take me to see the stars again, you promised friend!" "I'm not your friend, Weed! And even if I was, it wouldn't be simple to take you, I'm a human, I can leave, you monsters can't leave without the seventh soul, now my brother is the sixth soul for you, and it must be one of each. If I take you, it'll only push you back like a force field, goodbye Flowey, goodbye your majesty," she said before walking to the barrier all alone.

"Oh no, Emily! Come back!" Flowey was begging her but then he got evil and strict about it and said, "Emily! I order you to come back! I am the prince! I outrank you, I order you to come back!!" "Wait what?" Asgore asked but Flowey threw a friendliness petal at his weak soul and then Asgore turned to dust. Emily looked behind her and then saw in horror as her brother's soul lay on the ground. Flowey started laughing like a psychopath and said, "you are such a foolish girl! Giving your brother's soul to a monster! After he killed your brother!" "Flowey! He didn't kill my brother! Why did you do that?! Now your people can't be free, neither can you!" Emily shouted at him but Flowey shouted back, "Of Course He Did! If not him, Who would have?!" Emily opened her mouth to say something-.

Flashbacks are over

"Chris, the door is open now," Frisk shook Chris and then Chris said, "alright, I haven't finished the diary but that's ok, we can find out later on." They kept talking as they we on their way to the door.

"What have you learned from it?" Frisk asked

"That my mother and her brother were friends with Flowey before, and instead of sparing the monsters like we did, they were killing all the monsters instead."

"Wow, that's awful."

"Yeah, and we'll when they day came for them to get out of here, my uncle Jeremiah, that was her brother's name, died and she was going to give Asgore his soul to keep until Flowey feeling betrayed killed him telling her she's foolish for believing someone who killed her brother. But she said he didn't kill him but that was as far as I went in the diary."

"But, if Asgore didn't kill her brother, who did then?"

"I don't know, something is really fishy, but I think I know why the girl in my dream sent me here, because she wants me I mean us to free the monsters, something my mother never did back then."

"So, because we are the last souls they need for the barrier to break, they need one of us to give up our soul to break the barrier."

"I think so," Chris said making him extremely nervous. Frisk on the other hand, knew who must give up their soul, but before he could tell him, they walked into the room and then their feet got sticky every time they walked. "Wait, I think we are stepping in something," Chris said while every step they took, that something was going up their bodies until they both were at a point where they were stuck, "oh no, what is this?" Chris asked, Frisk was looking around and he realized what this was, it was a spider's web, "oh no! This isn't good." Then suddenly, a spider like monster appeared, it was Muffet.

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