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//don't even ask why I put this picture up, It's called visualizing on steroids. Anyways, in this part, the boys go to Snowdin which is the first place they reach when they get out of The Ruins. However, they meet new monsters and face new difficulties//.

The moment the boys open the door, they see snow everywhere. "Ooo, Snow!" Chris seemed excited about it. So excited that he jumped into the snow and started burying his face in the snow and jumping around in it. Frisk shut the door behind him and saw Chris being obnoxious in the snow, "you like the snow?" Chris answered, "yes Frisk, very much. Me and my siblings would play in it all the time, Micheal and Elizabeth would even sled down hills at super fast speeds, although I don't ride with them only because they go too fast." Frisk couldn't help but seeing how cute and innocent Chris was, although it's been a long time he ever had fun or played with anybody. "Didn't you always play in the snow before... well, this happened?" Chris asked Frisk and Frisk just said, "well, I use to, it's been a long time, it doesn't usually snow where I live." He didn't want to tell Chris quite yet about his past so until later, his past remains a mystery.

After that, Chris gets up and they both continue walking the path. Suddenly, they were hearing footsteps behind them, they look behind only to see nobody behind them. "Hello?" Frisk asked hoping somebody would answer but there was no answer. "That was weird," Chris commented and then they just kept moving. Chris had a strong feeling somebody was following them, but the moment they reached the gate, his sixth sense was getting stronger. The footsteps came closer to them again, they both stopped in their tracks to hear a deep voice say, "humans... don't you know how to greet a new pal. Turn around and shake my hand." Dad? Is that you? Chris thought hoping it wasn't him. He didn't want to turn around but Frisk, who had no idea what Chris' past was or who Chris' dad was either, turned around without no fear and shook his hand only to hear a whoopee cushion fart. Chris turned around to see what the heck was that and he sighed in relief that it wasn't his dad, it was Sans!

"What the heck was that?" Chris asked and then Sans just chuckled, "heheh... the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. It's ALWAYS funny. Anyways, you two are humans, right?" "Yeah, who are you?" Frisk asked him and he answered, "I'm Sans, Sans the Skeleton." "Why do you move if you are a skeleton? Don't you need muscles to move rather than bones?" Chris asked the very logical question. "It's one word, Magic. I do have the ability to pull off my limbs and not get hurt, but that's a very logical question you asked there Kiddo," Sans told him and then Frisk asked, "where did you come from?"

"Hm, how do I put this? You both are a little young but you see, when a mommy skeleton and a daddy skeleton love each other very much, they decided to-."

"Oh no! No! No! No! No!" Frisk repeated over and over again while covering Chris' ears and his own, "I meant what place did you come from? One minute you were behind us disappearing and then the next you appear right behind us again." "Oh, well I just teleport a lot, I'm suppose to be on watch for humans right now, but... y' know... I don't really care about capturing anybody," Sans answered them. "That's a relief at least, you don't want to kill us, do you?" Chris said a little worried but Sans just laughed and shook his head, "that's not my cup of tea, or bottle of ketchup I should say." Unless you do anything bad like killing people, Sans thought but then Chris realized he forgot to introduce himself, "oh, how rude of us not to introduce ourselves, I'm Chris, Chris Afton." "And I'm Frisk, um, I don't have a last name," Frisk introduced himself. "Nice to meet you, you look like somebody I once knew Chris, it was a long time ago though," Sans told him. "Is it my mother?" Chris asked but Sans just nodded, "yeah, but I'd rather not talk about her, anyways, I don't hunt down humans, now my brother, Papyrus... he is a human-hunting fanatic."

"Uh oh," Chris said realizing they will be in more danger. "I think that's him over there, but don't worry, I have an idea, go through this gate thingy, yeah go right through. My bro made the bars too wide to stop anybody," Sans instructed them and so they both do so. "Quick, Frisk, behind that conveniently-shaped lamp, Chris, underneath the stand," Sans instructed them so Frisk hid behind the lamp but Chris hid underneath the stand and was watching Papyrus go up to Sans. I hope he isn't evil, Chris thought, worrying about both the skeletons that he sees in front.

The Afton and The Orphan (FNAF and Undertale crossover)Where stories live. Discover now