Into The HotLands

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//in this part, they are fighting Undyne, but then during the fight, they start to run, and then they run into the hotlands//.

They woke up on a flower bed on top of each other, at that point, Chris started blushing and quickly got off, "um, that was awkward, I'm not saying you're awkward, I'm just saying I'm awkward, you're adorable, wait What?" "Where are we?" Frisk asked looking around at a place that looks like a dump. "I don't know but it smells bad," Chris said while plugging his nose. Frisk just got up to keep going, "I guess we must keep going east until we see the castle, now the king shouldn't be far from here, we probably just have to go through one more land aside from this one." "How can you tell directions so fast?" Chris asked rubbing his head, Frisk told him, "I read it in your mother's diary while you weren't looking." Speaking of diary, what is she talking about the king? Chris thought as he was going to reach for the diary but it was not in his pocket, "what? Where is it? I lost it!" "Lost what?" Frisk asked and Chris said, "the diary, my mother's diary, dang it. That was our only source of information and now it's gone!" Frisk walked up to him and put his hands on his face, "hey, calm down, we will find it, it cannot be far."

They searched for the diary and Chris found the diary but it was in the mouth of a dummy. "Hey! Frisk! I found it!" Chris told Frisk and was going to snatch it but the dummy came to life and just pulled it away, "Hey! Mine! This is My Book!" "Ahh! It moved!" Chris said as he fell backwards in shock. Frisk ran to his side and said, "dummy, we need that diary for information, besides it's not yours, it's Chris' mother's diary." "Hey! I'm no dummy, I'm a ghost inside a dummy! Wait, you are the kids that My Cousin saw at the Ruins who tried talking to him! I thought it was going to be a friendly conversation but the things you said were horrible! Despicable! Despicable! Despicable!" "Well excuse me Dummy, I was homeschooled, and I'm socially awkward," Chris fought back while Frisk was trying to pull him back. "Oh, you've pushed me now, Dummies! Attack!" The dummy summoned his attacks and threw them after them.

They dodged them and Chris tried to talk to him, "look, I was learning how to talk to people, so technically you can't blame me." "Be Quiet!" The Mad Dummy shouted and then threw missiles at them. "Quick, do what I do," Frisk was telling Chris while he ran in a circle to fling the missiles at the dummy. Chris started doing the same thing, making the dummy even more mad. After that, all dummies were gone, "if that won't work, then maybe my knives should do the talking," Mad Dummy shouted and then threw knives at them but missing every time until he was out of knives, "um, I'm out of knives," he said until tears started dropping onto him like acid, "Ahh! Acid rain! I'm out!" He dropped the diary and disappeared, Chris grabbed the diary, "my mom's diary." He put the diary back in his pocket, then the same ghost named Napstablook they saw back at the ruins came back. "Oh sorry, was I bothering you, I came here and your friend left already. I'll just go home now, do you wanna come with?" He asked them but they looked back in hopes that Undyne isn't there, then they agreed.

They followed Napstablook to his house that was left of the pink house next to it. He was in the house and the boys got hungry. "A refrigerator, I wonder what you have to eat," Chris said opening the refrigerator to see what's to eat, the Napstablook asked, "are you hungry? I have a ghost sandwich if you guys want to share it." "Sure, whatever that is," Frisk said, he split it with Chris and when they tried to eat it, it went right through them. "Sometimes when I finish eating, I lay down on the ground and feel like garbage," Napstablook said and then he laid on the ground. Frisk laid down with him while Chris just looked at them weirdly, "what are you doing?" "Hey Chris, this is amazing, you should try this, I'm seeing stars," Frisk was telling him but Chris asked, "what?" "Just do it, it's really cool, you'll love it," Frisk told him, so Chris did exactly that anyways and laid down next to Frisk. "Ok, what now?" Chris asked but Frisk said, "relax and wait." Chris tried to relax by breathing for the first time in his life, suddenly, everything around them changed to a galaxy filled room. "Whoa, this is so beautiful," Chris commented seeing the stars and feeling calm and relaxed. "Yeah, I figured you'd like it. We all have moments where we need to relax and just put all our worries behind, like laying down and see the stars," Frisk teaches Chris while they laid together then added, "I can tell that this was the first time you've ever been relaxed, isn't it?"

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