Fighting Undyne!

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//yes, in this one, it starts out boring, but it gets intense when Undyne fights. I will also include the group on what they are doing while Frisk and Chris are separated from them//.

They suddenly got a phone call from Papyrus. "Uh oh, should I answer?" Frisk asked and Chris said, "go ahead I guess." Frisk answered, "hello?"

"Hello! This is Papyrus!"

"Hi Papy, why did you betray u-!" Chris got pushed away by Frisk, "not now Chris."

"Wait, what was the other human going to say?"

"He meant, how did you get this number?"

"Oh, It was easy! I just dialed every number sequentially until I got yours!!! Nyeh Heh Heh!"


"So, what are you guys wearing? I'm... asking for a friend. She thought she saw one of you wearing a bandanna. Is that true? Are either of you wearing a bandanna?"

"Um," Frisk was going to answer until Chris took off Frisk's bandanna, "tell him no you don't have one on."

"No, I don't have one on and neither does Chris."

"So you aren't wearing a bandanna... got it! You're my friend so I trust you 100 percent."

The call ended and they walked into a room that was dark, the only light was coming from the stars and the echo flowers. "Wow, what is this place?" Chris asked and Frisk pointed, "look, there's another echo flower, I wonder who was here." They listened to it and the echo flower said, "a long time ago, monsters would whisper their wishes to the stars in the sky. If you hoped with all your heart, your wish will come true, now all we have are these sparkling stones on the ceiling." "Wow!" Chris said. They approached another echo flower and it said, "thousands of people wishing together can't be wrong, the king will prove that." "That's cute," Frisk commented and then they heard a conversation coming from the echo flowers, "c'mon sis! Make a wish." "I wish my sister and I will see the real stars someday," the flowers said and Chris made a guess, "I think my mom and uncle were here." "I don't know, they know what the stars look like, I feel like it could be somebody else, but who has a sister?" Frisk started thinking. "Maybe we can find some more echo flowers to see if they can piece some information about these strange siblings," Chris suggested and Frisk nodded.

They found writings on the walls that told them the story of the monsters and humans broken relationship. "'A war between monsters and humans, why did the humans attack? Indeed, it seems that they have nothing to fear. Humans are unbelievably strong and it would take the souls of nearly every monster just to equal the power of a single human soul. But humans have one weakness. Ironically, it is the strength of their soul. Its power allows it to persist outside the human body, even after death. If a monster defeats a human, they can take its soul. A monster with a human soul... a horrible beast with unfathomable power.' So, that explains the barrier breaking process. So, if in the wrong hands of a wrong monster, they could use our souls for evil. The barrier breaking process takes our souls of each to destroy it." "Then we must not let any monster take our soul, especially not the king Papyrus mentioned," Frisk mentioned to Chris and he thought, that's probably why Micheal tried to stop me from going down here.

However, that wasn't all the information, Chris found an old diary that said, 'Emily's diary,' "Emily, that's my mom's name." "Wait, what?" Frisk asked and then Chris just read it anyways. The diary explained that she and her brother fell underground, and they met a friendly skeleton named Sans. "Sounds like mom met Sans as well," Chris commented and flipped to the next day. The next day she and her brother had been in the undergrounds, they didn't feel so fond with Papyrus at all, they even got attacked by Undyne and a lot of other monsters, at that point they decided to fight everything in the undergrounds. When they did so, they got to the king's lair to fight him but instead-.

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