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//this picture is sort of what the ending looks like only with stars in the sky. I will include a cliffhanger for the third and probably the final book for this trilogy. In this part, Boris gave up half his kindness soul to a monster who was very important to two of his new friends. Chris and Frisk take Flowey to see the stars, something he's always wanted to do but never had the chance to. However, the kids and their friends don't realize that within their dad is a bigger threat that can not be easy to kill//.

Both Sans and Flowey looked behind them and they see Toriel, she was alive? Just as good as new. "Mo- um Toriel?" Flowey asked with wide eyes. "It's you, isn't it Asriel?" Toriel said as she opened her arms for a hug. Flowey went underground, came back up to hug his mom. He had his head down in shame as he whispered, "I'm sorry mother, yes, it is me. I didn't know that murderer was going to kill you, I'm sorry." Chara heard their conversation and she almost wept while she ran to hug Toriel, "Mom! I thought you were dead!" "Chara! My children," Toriel cried as she hugged both her kids. All Micheal could do was just smile for them, hoping one day, his mom could come back and free them from this nightmare. "Wait, Tori, are you the woman behind the door?" Sans asked but then Toriel answered, "in fact I am Sans." Sans started blushing and Flowey just stuck his tongue out at Sans, "you're in love with my mom! Gross!!!" "Yeah, Gross Comedian!!!" Chara did the same thing but Frisk was just shook his head at them and smiled at Sans.

Wait, how is she alive? Bendy wondered, he looked around for answers until he saw Boris lying there. "Boris!" Bendy cried then he ran to his side. "Oh no! Boris, you gave her your soul, didn't you? Oh no!" Bendy was worried but Alice knew exactly what happened, "hold on Bendy, he's not dead, watch." She pushed Bendy to the side, took a deep breath and then yelled, "CLEAN UP ON STAGE 10!!!" Boris shot awake with a stick in his hand, thinking it's a broom. He saw they weren't in the studio then he dropped the stick and said, "oh, hey guys." "Boris! Don't do that to me!" Bendy shouted but then Boris said, "what, you were worried about me? I only gave up half my soul, just like the blue sweater kid did."

While everyone had their meet and greet time, the Afton kids had their own. "Chris, if you needed to go somewhere, please tell us verbally. I think from now on, we must stay together," Micheal told Chris. "You know the same goes for you Mikey, whatever you do that could hurt you, let us do it with you, we are in this together," Elizabeth reminded him. Micheal hesitated to say anything, "I... don't know guys." "This is our family we need to fix, put back together, and our lives we need to free," Elizabeth reminded him again. "If any threat of ours comes back, we must stay together and fight it together... as a family," Chris agreed feeling ashamed for leaving them to Mt. Ebbot. At that moment, the kids understood they only have each other, so they knew it was important for them to never do anything life threatening by themselves again.

"That was the best quote I've ever heard," Chara said as she jumped on top of Micheal. "Whoa, Chara," Micheal said blushing as he held onto her while she was on his back. "Well, will you guys excuse me, me and my best friend had a promise of our mother's to keep," Chris told them then Micheal said, "alright, get lost baby bro." So, Chris met back up with Frisk and Flowey who was blindfolded and they both walked away.

It was just Chara and Micheal, "so, something about family issues you are trying to fix?" Chara asked Micheal but he answered with a question, "how did you know?" "I overheard you guys talking, was your father abusive?" Chara asked and Micheal just told her, "well, yeah." "Wow, mine was abusive to before I found Azy and my parents now. But don't tell me, he would leave bruises on you? He whipped you with a belt? Oh wait, he drew blood?" Chara was guessing but Micheal just told her, "he mostly hurt me and it all started since my mom left us, and well our problems with him started since I made an... incident, he tried to kill me and back stab me, literally." However, Chara's reaction he didn't expect from her. She laughed and then said, "that is so awful! I mean yeah that's human parents for yah." Micheal just smirked at her immature behavior, "stop laughing, it's not funny."

"Geez Micheal, I thought my biological parents were bad with their abuse but your father is worse," she laughed again with sad tears in her eyes then she stopped laughing, "I mean it's sad you had to go through it but sometimes, it's hilarious how human parents work compared to monster parents." "Um, are you ok?" Micheal asked getting worried for her. She just hugged him and wept, "I'm sorry, the only way we hide our pain is by laughing, I don't mean to sound like a jerk." "Hey, it's ok," Micheal hugged her back trying to calm her down. She wiped her tears and looked back up at him, "you know, most humans I've met would just look at me and be like, 'get away you ugly demon, your eyes are possessed, grr.' But you and your siblings... you guys are good people." Micheal raised her chin up to his face and then said, "because you're beautiful, and didn't I tell you that I've got a thing for red eyes?" She and Micheal were about to kiss until Sans put his hand in the way and they both ended up kissing his hand, "I don't think so kiddos, you are too young to date." Micheal started spitting from kissing his hand, Chara did the same thing, "Gross! Sans!"

Chris and Frisk walked with blindfolded Flowey in a pot up a hill, "so why am I blindfolded again?" "You'll see, we are taking you to see something you told us you've always wanted to see," Frisk smiled while he held Flowey. "We're almost there," Chris told him as they walked up the hill. "Frisk? Chris?" Flowey kept asking getting nervous at where the boys were taking him. They got to the top of the hill, then Chris said, "ok, we will take off the blindfold now, when we do that, look up." So, Chris took off the blindfold, Flowey looked up and saw the stars in the sky. Both Chris and Frisk smiled at the sparkle in his eyes as he stared up at the starry sky. "Oh my... god, are those... the stars from the surface?" Flowey asked while he still looked up at the stars. "Yes, isn't this what you've always wanted, to see the stars? Well, we've given you that opportunity. Some time to ease your mind and to be free of all the troubles you have been facing for years," Frisk told him as he and Chris sat next to him. "I guess it... seems like I was wrong... you're nothing like your... um, mother," Flowey told Chris but then he hung his head in shame. Chris lightly brought his chin up and said, "listen, don't beat yourself up just because you tried to murder someone who is still nice to you even after every evil thing you've done. You chose to do the right thing and help me save the other monsters when Frisk was out." "But, Bendy helped me realize that and I murdered the king, how does that make me the hero?" Flowey asked in sadness but Frisk helped Chris explain, "well, look down where they are," he said pointing at the monsters and Chris' siblings and friends looking up at the stars. Flowey looks and sees how everyone looks happy and together finally. He could even see Chara and Micheal holding hands while looking up at the stars. "I can think of three reasons why what you did makes you a hero. One, King Asgore could have killed me because I was at the brink of death and so was he. Two, When I gave Chara half my soul, I was out cold, I couldn't help Chris break the barrier, but from what Chris has told me, you took my place and saved all of us from nearly being burned alive, even if fire was your weakness. Lastly, Three, when Springtrap was going to kill Sans, you attacked him and killed him before he could even hurt Sans, the one monster I can tell you have a hard time getting along with, that's a huge deal. You're stronger than you think you are, for someone with no soul, you have a heart," Frisk finally said as Flowey started to understand. The heart is what shows pure love, the soul just shows peace. "Chris, if anyone tries to hurt you again, I'll kick their butts for you, even if it takes my life," Flowey told Chris with a smile, Chris only smiled back, "I'm sure we're ok, I mean it's not like anybody else hates my family that we know about. I think me and my siblings are finally at peace."

However, Chris is wrong about that, because with Springtrap's body. It turns out, Chris' sister, Elizabeth had been right about one thing. Something has been possessing their dad. But when Flowey killed him, that demonic animatronic endoskeleton identity had been released. The body started to vibrate, he opened his mouth, then something big, evil and made of metal started to crawl out like a demon. When it got out, Springtrap's body remained a shell but that endoskeleton sneered and said, "I Always Come Back!" It laughed then said, "I Am Ennard!!!"

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