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//the boys continue until when they wanted to know what Toriel was up to, they realized she didn't answer the phone. They even saw there were more monsters that want to attack them but Chris had a better idea. Sooner or later, Sans appears again to tell them some good news//.

As the boys were going to continue, Frisk gets a notification on the phone, "it's just from Alphys, it says 'just realized I didn't watch undyne fight the human v.v' whatever that was." They took another step and he got another notification, "'I know she's unbeatable so I'll just ask her later,' how many updates does she make in a minute?" Frisk asked and then another one came after another step, "'for now, I gotta call up the human and guide them,' that's three." After that there were no more status updates, for now. Chris walked and then he ended up slipping, "ow, what the." He felt himself moving. "These must be escalating walkways we can take, cool," Frisk said as he let the escalating walk way carry him across. As soon as they got off the escalated walkway, he got another notification, "'I'm going to call them in a minute,' four." Frisk counted. Then the boys took another set of escalated walkways that carried them in a zigzag way across. When the left that one, Frisk found another save point and clicked it, "alright, Frisk and Chris were here."

"Have you ever wondered what Toriel is up to after we left?" Chris asked Frisk and he agreed, "should we call and check on her? It's been a couple days since we've even heard from her, anything could happen." So, Frisk got another notification saying she's hates using the phone but he ignored it and dialed Toriel's number. They waited as the phone still rang but then it moved straight to voice mail, "strange, she usually doesn't do that." "Maybe she's busy with ruins stuff, she is the caretaker of the ruins, we should probably call her another time." Chris just said hoping nothing bad happened and doesn't want to believe anything bad happened. There were a butt load of monsters surrounding the steam booths, "great, what do we do now?" Frisk asked Chris hoping he has any bright ideas. Chris looked around and he saw some hotland kangaroos munching on grass on their left, lucky for them because Chris could see their pouches, they were females, "hm, I may have one idea, but it's going to be a little weird." "Well, just anything that doesn't involve us having to fight all these monsters," Frisk said not really knowing what his idea was.

As soon as they both hoped into the same pouch as each other, the kangaroos started hopping. "Uh oh, Chris, I get really motion sick," Frisk warned feeling like he is going to throw up. Chris however, was enjoying it, "oh yeah! I always wanted to see from a baby kangaroo's point of view when he is in the pouch." When the kangaroos hopped closer to the butt load of monsters, the boys ducked inside the pouch to avoid being seen. Of course this wasn't helping Frisk at all, he was going to throw up, so he lifted his head out of the pouch a little and barfed. Chris held the phone so no throw up got on the phone, while he did that, they got another notification, 'omg I had my claw over the last digit for five minutes, omg I'm just going to do it, I'm just going to call.' "Five." Chris counted and Frisk asked as he ducked his head back in feeling queasy, "what was that?" "We got another update from Alphys," Chris answered. The phone started to ring but before Chris could answer it, it hung up. "Weird," Chris said but Frisk told him while wiping the vomit using a leaf he took, "By the way I think it's safe to poke your head back out," then he just poked his head out right away. Chris poked his head out and went back to enjoying it, "Woohoo! Yeehaw! Alright!" Frisk looked forward to avoid another accident, but he actually started to like it, "as long as the kangaroos don't hit anything, I'm actually liking this." "See, I knew you would have fun," Chris smiled, but then the phone rang again, this time Alphys called, "uhh, hi so the blue lasers! Oh! I mean! Alphys here! Hi! Ok so the blue lasers won't hurt you if you don't move but the o-orange ones will unless you keep moving. Since you guys are on kangaroos, they are smart so they would know how to by pass the lasers." Then she hung up and posted another status, 'Omg! I did it!!! My claws haven't shook like that since Undyne called me to ask me about the weather.' "Six," Chris counted as the kangaroos stopped at blues and moved at the oranges. 'Wait, there is no weather up here, why did she call me.' was another notification. "Seven, ok this is getting ridiculous," Chris said getting annoyed already.

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