Meet Alphys and Mettaton

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//they finally get out of the heat and into a lab, which starts off Chris and Frisk both being stupid and then they meet two new monsters, one seems to be nice, the other however, wants to torture them before he kills them. However, back at the ruins, something awful happened//.

Chris could feel the heat intensifying through him because he is wearing a sweater, "gosh, Undyne was right about one thing, it is hot as heck here." He took off his jacket and wrapped it around himself. Frisk saw there were guards blocking the trail they were suppose to take, "Chris, there's guards blocking our way, we need to find another way around." "Hey look, there's a lab," Chris pointed at a big building that had a sign that said, 'lab.' "Maybe we can get go through the lab," Frisk said then complimented, "Chris, you're a genius." The boys ran to the lab and closed the door behind them to reveal only a dark room. Chris felt thirsty and thankfully, he found a refrigerator, but he'll find out it is not a refrigerator that carries food. He opens it to see a bunch of potions that he thought we sodas, "oooh, Cherry Soda," he said as he grabbed it, drank it but then he felt himself changing.

"Chris, someone has been spying on us," Frisk pointed to the big camera that showed Frisk's and Chris' faces on it, but he looked behind to see Chris not himself and he had a look of shock. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Chris asked as he wiggled his nose, he turned into a sort of goat monster. Fredplush peeked out of the backpack and he looked at Chris with shock, oh... my... god! "Chris, you turned into a dog-looking monster, or goat, whatever you are," Frisk pointed at him, Chris looked in the mirror and he freaked out. "Frisk! Fredplush! Help!" Chris cried out covering his face. Frisk looked at the empty potion bottle he had and then looked at him with a 'really' look, "you drank this potion, didn't you?" "I thought it was a cherry sodaaa!" Chris answered but covered his mouth when he made a goat noise. "Chris, stop drinking stuff that is not yours," Frisk said as he looked in the refrigerator for any potion, he just grabbed any potion and gave it to him. Chris drank it and Frisk got some on his hand, stupidly, Frisk licked it off his hand, "it tastes like-," he and Chris started shifting until it was over and Frisk finished, "strawberries."

He looked in the mirror and said, "nothing happened to me!" He looked down and he has Mettaton legs, he started freaking out and he said, "Chris! I've got weird Woman Legs!" Chris ended up a skunk and he laughed seeing Frisk's legs, "you look fabulous and weird at the same time." "Be quiet, stinky tail," Frisk said as he grabbed another potion and drank it, then he splashed Chris' face with it until some of it got in his mouth. They both changed again, Frisk became buff and Chris became a science intelligent lab person. "Oh my gosh Chris! I'm buff!" Frisk said in a deep voice as he flexed. "Oh man, suddenly, I became mercifully intelligent," Chris grabbed a bunch of potions and placed them all on the lab table, then he started mixing the potions together while rambling, "it's awful! I loved it back when I was determined, fighting monsters, eating other monster's food, wetting my own bed, oh what wonderful times." "Check out my packs Little Boy!" Frisk said as he still flexed, "hush now Frisk, I'm trying to work on the formula. Besides, in case you forgot, we both are little boys." "What?" Frisk asked and Chris said again as he finished the potion, "I'm going to transform us back!" Frisk growled and grabbed the potion saying, "No way Geek! I wanna stay like this Forever!" He threw it causing them both to blow into the wall.

A voice said in the lab, "What's going on in here?" They saw a dinosaur monster wearing a lab coat walk in and Chris just said, "that formula almost destroyed us Frisk!" "Heheheh Kaboom!" Frisk kept laughing but Chris just splashed his face with the other formula he had, "oh, you are embarrassing." Frisk started turning back to himself, then Chris drank it and turned back to himself again. "Aww man," Frisk said when he flexed and saw his jacked body was gone. "What just happened?" The monster asked them but Chris said, "Ahh! It was my fault, I drank one of your potions and Frisk tried to fix me but it ended up both of us getting affected by your potions." "O-o-oh no, I-it's alright, I'm Dr. Alphys, I'm Asgore's royal scientist!" "You won't hurt us will you?" Chris asked hoping the answer is no.

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