Sans' Explanation and The Barrier

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//the boys have made it to Asgore but Chris is instructed to stay outside so he can wait for his family while Frisk fights Asgore. I'm going to stuff in as much of this as possible so it might be long//.

The two boys walked on until they found Toriel's house again. "Wait, what?" Chris asked but they decided to just walk in, hoping Toriel is there, but of course, she isn't and the stair case was chained. "What happened here?" Frisk looked around. Suddenly, a few froggits appear but instead of fighting them, they were telling them a story, "a long time ago, a human fell into the ruins, injured by the fall. The human called out for help." Frisk found a key and put it on his key chain. The froggits continued, "Asriel, the king's son, heard the human's call. He brought the human back to the castle." They both continued until they came across their old room again, but this time their were two beds rather than one. "There wasn't another bed here before," Chris said and Frisk added, "this might be some illusion we are seeing." However, Chris opened two presents that contained a heart locket and a heart shaped key, "these might be useful." The froggits continued, "over time, the human and Asriel became like siblings. The king and queen treated the human child as their own. The underground was full of hope." Frisk found another key and he put it on his key chain. They walked back to the stair case and they were able to unlock the key chain. When they walked down stairs, the froggits followed and continued, "then... one day... the human became very Ill." Frisk and Chris were listening into the story as they continued. "The sick human had only one request. To see the flowers from their village. But there was nothing we could do." The froggits continued. "That's sad," Chris commented. "The next day... the next day... the human died." Sad, but it reminds me of somebody, actually two somebodies we met before, Chris thought.

The froggits continued, "Asriel, wracked with grief. Absorbed the human's soul. He transformed into a being with incredible power. With the human soul. Asriel crossed through the barrier. He carried the human's body into the sunset. Back to the village of the human. Asriel reached the center of the village. He found a bed of golden flowers. He carried the human onto it. Suddenly, screams rang out. The villagers saw Asriel holding the human's body. They thought he had killed the human child. The humans attacked him with everything they had. He was struck with blow after blow. Asriel had the power to destroy them all. But... Asriel did not fight back. Clutching the human... Asriel smiled and walked away." Frisk felt like he was going to cry, "people are so awful." The froggits still continued, "wounded, Asriel stumbled home. He entered the castle and collapsed. His dust spread across the garden. The kingdom fell into despair. The king and queen had lost two children in one night. The humans had once again taken everything from us. The king decided to end our suffering. Every human who falls down here must die. With enough souls, we can shatter the barrier forever. King Asgore will let us go, King Asgore will give us hope. King Asgore will save us all." After that, the froggits disappeared.

"Gosh, that is heart breaking, but I feel like I recognize the human, maybe that human was the first determination aka the girl in my dreams," Chris explained to Frisk and Frisk added, "but who is Asriel? I mean I know he is the king's son, but if he absorbed the first determination's soul, shouldn't he not be dead?" They walked down into a hallway that had beams holding the roof. "What if Asriel is somebody we've met before? I mean, if monsters die, they do turn into dust but if you think about it, not all monsters turn into dust and maybe they just came back as somebody totally different, Take Mettaton for example. What if Asriel reincarnated as somebody else?" Chris explained to Frisk. He thought about it and said, "Asriel was the first one to come to the human's rescue, but then when we both fell, we ended up running into Flowey, he's the first one to see us." They both stopped when they saw a silhouette standing in front of them.

"So you finally made it. The end of your journey is at hand. In a few moments, you will meet the king. Together... you will determine the future of this world. That's then. Now. You will be judged. You will be judged for every EXP you've earned." "Ok, experience points?" Chris guesses and acted at the same time but the silhouette said, "no, EXP is an acronym, it stands for execution points. A way of qualifying the pain you have inflicted on others. When you kill someone, you EXP increases. When you have enough EXP, your Love increase. Love, too, is an acronym, it stands for level of violence. A way of measuring someone's capacity to hurt. The more you kill, the easier it becomes to distance yourself. Now you understand. It's time to begin your judgement." At that moment, it felt time for Chris to confront, his acting had been set aside and he said with a hateful glare, "if you think we should be judged, shouldn't that include YOURSELF?!"

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